Chapter 19

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     A/N: Sorry for getting this up late.  I'd planned on posting it earlier, but things have been a bit crazy.  Anyway, thank you all for your patience and for your reviews!  This chapter starts off with Edward recapping what happened with Alice.


           "Books to the ceiling,

              Books to the sky,

             My pile of books is a mile high.

            How I love them! How I need them!

            I'll have a long beard by the time I read them."

            ~Arnold Lobel


Saturday morning after Bella left for work, I knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep so I trudged downstairs, got some cereal, and ate my breakfast while watching Spongebob. I loved that show. It was something Emmett and I actually had in common. By the time nine-thirty rolled around, I figured I'd better shower and get dressed. While I was in the shower, I began to thinking that perhaps the best place to talk to Alice would be at our parents' house. It was neutral territory for us, and if things got out of hand, Mom and Dad would be there to help calm things down.

By the time I got dressed, Alice was ringing my doorbell. I opened the door, and she gave me a glare. Great. I held up a hand before she could say anything.

"I know you want to talk, and we will. But I'd rather talk at Mom and Dad's."

"Why?" she asked, her voice filled with hostility.

"It's neutral ground."

We each drove our own cars, and I while wasn't looking forward to this talk at all, but I knew it was a long time coming. Mom and Dad were thrilled to see both of us but knew something was wrong. I explained that Alice and I needed to have a serious talk, so they left us alone. I sat down on the couch and waited for Alice to take a seat. She sat down with a huff and continued to glare at me.

"Would you care to explain to me why you felt the need to verbally attack Bella?"

"Excuse me? I didn't verbally attack her! Is that what she said? What a liar!" she scoffed.

"Cut the crap, Alice."

"Fine. I went to see her. I just wanted to talk to her. That was all. It's not my fault that she blew things out of proportion."

"Why did you want to talk to her?"

She looked at me as if I was an idiot.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice the tattoo on your wrist? It's not like you to do that. Hell, not too long ago you were freaking out because Jasper and I got tattoos. She's changed you," she spat out.

"She has changed me; for the better. Thanks to Bella, I've become more confident in who I am. For the first time in a long time, I like who I am. Why can't you just be happy for me?"

"Because I'm worried. Bella's no good for you. You need someone less loud. Less freakish. Lauren would be perfect for you," she said, completely ignoring everything I'd just said.

"Lauren? Who the heck is that?"

I seriously had no idea who she was talking about, but if she thought for one minute that I would leave Bella, she was crazy.

Alice rolled her eyes before answering me. "Rosalie's younger sister. You've met her more than once. She came down for Labor Day Weekend."

Ewww. I remembered Lauren now. She had stringy blond hair, a nasally voice, and dressed like, well, a street walker. Why in the world Alice thought that girl would be perfect for me was unfathomable.

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