Chapter 24

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A/N: Thank you all so very much for the reviews. I can't tell you enough, how grateful I am to you for taking the time to review. This chapter gave me a bit of trouble. I struggled and struggled, and rewrote this chapter a gabillion times. Okay, so maybe I rewrote it once or twice. Make that three times. *sigh* I'm still not completely satisfied with it, but it's not as bad as it was.


"The universality of tattooing is a curious subject for speculation." ~James Cook



Lying in Edward's old bed that night, I couldn't help but think about everything that had just happened. I had known that Caius was dangerous, but I hadn't realized how dangerous. The fact that he sent two men to break into our house and do God knows what to us really solidified the fact that we were dealing with an extremely dangerous man. Just thinking about what could've happened to the two of us was enough to make my blood run cold.

I looked down at the bronze hair that was lying against my chest and let out a little sigh. Gently, I ran my fingers through his hair, so very grateful that nothing bad had happened to him. I knew for a fact that I couldn't live without him. I wouldn't even want to try. He was my everything. After Caius was caught, and I prayed to every God out there that he was, I was going to ask Edward to marry me. I never wanted to spend a single day without him by my side, and I was positive that he felt the same.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice soft and sleepy.

"Not really," I told him.

He lifted his head off my chest and pulled me to him. Wrapped safely in his arms, it was my turn to let the dam break. Tears that I hadn't realized I'd been holding back, came spilling out. I have no idea how long I cried, but I felt exhausted afterwards.

"We'll get through this," he told me, and I knew we would.

I was just afraid that we wouldn't get through it without someone getting seriously hurt. Poor Jason had to get fourteen stitches in his head because he was watching out for us. It could have been worse. They could've killed him and that was a terrifying thought.

I didn't sleep worth shit that night. Edward had managed to doze off, but I couldn't stop thinking. I wanted Caius gone. I wanted to go back to my life the way it was before. I began to think that maybe I should use myself as bait. That's what they did in the movies, right? Used someone as bait to capture the bad guy. I didn't want to be bait, but if it meant catching Caius quicker, then I was willing. Making up my mind, I decided to discuss it with Mark next time I talked to him.

At around five, I gave up any pretenses of sleeping and slipped out of bed. Throwing some old clothes of Edward's on, I headed downstairs. I was heading to the kitchen for a cup of tea when I heard soft voices coming from the living room.

"I'm so worried, Carlisle," I heard Esme say.

Peeking around the corner, I saw Esme curled up in Carlisle's lap on the couch. Her head was tucked against his shoulder, and he had his arms wrapped around her. It was a beautiful and sweet sight. Not wanting to interrupt them, I tiptoed into the kitchen and began to make some tea. A few minutes later, Esme came in.

"Bella, dear. What in the world are you doing up at this hour?"

"Couldn't sleep," I told her.

She gave me a warm hug before shooing me over to the table. We made small talk as she cooked and before long the scent of bacon and eggs was in the air. I dug in when she put a plate in front of me, not realizing how hungry I was. I was halfway through my breakfast, when a warm kiss was placed up on my head. I'd been so focused on my food that I hadn't noticed Edward come in.

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