Chapter 9

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A/N: I can't even begin to tell you all how much I appreciate your reviews.  They truly make my day!  Even constructive critism reviews make me happy.  I like to know what I could have done better and what needs to be worked on.  However, with that being said, I got a review for this story on another site that I have it posted on.  The person told me that DFL was rec'd to them and they had heard good things about it.  Then the person proceeded to tell me my story was complete crap (as well as using other words that I won't repeat), and I should be ashamed of myself for writing such useless garbage. Then they signed it with a smiley face. Ouch!  I've gotten more than a few flaming reviews recently, but I'm slowly learning to shrug them off.  So, I just want to thank you all for the kind words you've given me!


I've never known any trouble that an hour's reading didn't assuage. ~Charles De Secondat


The minute we walked into my parents' house, Mom swept Bella up in a hug and whispered something in her ear. I was a bit curious to know what Mom had said, but I decided to ask Bella later. Mom ushered us into the living room, where Dad took a look at Bella's wrist. Once Bella was done being examined to by Dad, we talked about her options regarding her ex. I hated that he had hurt her. I had never felt so much rage toward another human being, as I felt toward him. I knew that I was physically no match for this Laurent guy, but I would do my best to keep my girl safe. I felt a silly grin break over my face. My girl.

Mom asked us if we wanted to stay for dinner and we agreed. I wasn't about to turn down a home-cooked meal by Esme Cullen. My mom was a culinary genius with Bella coming in as a close second. Bella followed Mom into the kitchen, asking if she could help.

"Shoo. Go kiss my boy," I heard Mom tell her.

Yes, please. I loved my Bella's kisses. I grinned as Bella came out of the kitchen, but before I could go to her and collect on any kisses, Mom pulled me into the kitchen.

"Hello, my sweet boy."

"Hi, Mom," I told her, giving her a hug.

"Sit down and cut up these vegetables for the salad. Now, tell me all about this date you had," she demanded.

"Uh ... well, she asked me out when she was still in the hospital—"

"Edward! Why didn't you ask that sweet girl out?"

I let out a sigh. "I was going to, but she beat me to it.  Anyway," I stressed, "we decided to go out to dinner and a movie last night. We went to Bella Italia in Port Angeles then decided to head back to my house to watch a movie."

"I take it by the smile on your face that you had a good time."

"Of course. She's wonderful! I still can't believe that someone has beautiful and as wonderful as Bella would want to be with someone like me."

Mom turned and gave me a glare. "What is that supposed to mean, young man? Any woman would be lucky to call you theirs. And I know that Bella thinks you're pretty wonderful."

"She's amazing," I said, feeling that goofy smile grace my face. I couldn't seem to stop smiling whenever I thought of her.

"You two are so cute together. I just know that you'll make me beautiful grand-babies."

What? Grand-babies? "Uh ... don't get ahead of yourself, Mom. We've just started dating."

"Pshh. The two of you are crazy in love with each other. There'll be wedding bells ringing before you know it."

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