Chapter 13

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A/N: Alright, so this chapter is shorter than the others.  It was originally written while I had been hopped up on cold medicine.  I've added to it a bit, but it's still not as long as the others.  Also, from this chapter on, my beta had become unavailable so I've done my best to fix all the grammatical errors (mainly commas which are the bane of my existance).  However, if you see some errors, please forgive me but feel free to point them out and I'll fix them.


"Books open your mind, broaden your mind, and strengthen you as nothing else can" William Feather



Holy hell, I thought staring at myself in the mirror. My hair was all messed up, my eyes glassy and glazed, and my face was flushed. I looked as if I'd just had the most intense orgasm of my life. Oh, wait. I had. A huge, cheesy grin came over my face, and I didn't even try to reign it in. Bella was amazing, and I was so in love with her. I'd told her the other night but not loud enough for her to hear. I wasn't sure she'd feel the same way, and I wasn't ready to lay it all out there just yet.

Realizing that I was still wearing my messy boxers, I quickly stripped out of them and grabbed the washrag hanging next to the sink. I washed myself off, tossed the washrag in her hamper along with my soiled boxers and slipped my clean ones on. Walking out, I headed back to the bed and crawled in next to Bella. I watched the sway of her hips as she walked to the bathroom to clean up and felt myself getting hard again. She was amazing. I rolled onto my back rethinking everything that had just happened. My mind had been blown. Just wait 'til it's your dick being blown my inner Emmett thought. I quickly tried to banish that thought because if what we had just done had nearly killed me, I couldn't imagine surviving anything else. I tried to keep my eyes open, but they closed on their own accord.

The next morning I woke up to warm lips pressing small kisses to my chest.

"Good morning," Bella sang, giving me a tight squeeze.

I blinked open my eyes and stared down at the beautiful woman who was wrapped around me. How in the world did I get so lucky? I pulled her into a hug, rolling us over, so that I was on top of her. I pressed a gentle closed mouth kiss to her lips. I didn't want to kill her with my dragon breath that I was positive that I had.

"Good morning," I told her, making sure to keep from breathing on her.

We slowly untangled ourselves and began to get ready for the day. After my shower, I headed downstairs and found Bella making breakfast for us. I loved that she did that. Her breakfasts were far better than mine, which usually consisted of pop-tarts or toast.

After breakfast, we walked out to our cars so we could both head to work.

"See you after work?" Bella asked, wrapping her arms around me in a hug.

"You bet," I replied, leaning down and giving her a kiss.

Our lips melded together, tongues dueling, passion igniting. I was starting to loose myself in the kiss when I felt a pair of small hands squeeze my butt. It startled me enough to pull my lips away from hers. She had a mischievous look on her face.

"What? You've got a great ass. I've been wanting to do that for a while."

I rolled my eyes at her before giving her one last kiss. The temperature had severely dropped over the past few days and there was no way I was going to be walking to work in it. Finally, we separated and I watched from my car as she pulled out of her drive. Once she was safely on the road, I started toward work.

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