Emmett's Outtake

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Life was so fucking weird. It really was. I sure as fuck never thought my life would end up the way it had, but looking down into the face of my little girl, I was glad that it had.

I'd always been the funny guy, the jock, Mr. Popular, and just plain fucking awesome. I smirked a bit at that thought. I was fucking awesome. So when I'd met Rosalie for the first time, I'd known that she wouldn't be able to resist my charms. I mean, really? Who could possibly resist me?

I'd been studying engineering at Udub and had seen her in a few of my classes. She was everything I had looked for in a woman. Tall, leggy, big busted, blond. To add icing to the cake, she was smart too. We'd gotten along well and within a few weeks we were dating exclusively. I'd taken her home for spring break to introduce her to the family. I had been pleased to see that she'd gotten along with most everyone. Except for Edward. She and Edward loathed each other, and I couldn't figure out why. I was ashamed to admit, that I didn't let it bother me that she picked on him constantly.

Our junior year of school, we moved into an apartment off campus that Mom and Dad paid for, and Rosalie was dropping hints about getting married. I proposed that Christmas, and the next year was spent planning the wedding. I'd had no desire to have a lavish wedding, but it was what she wanted, so that was what she got. It was a huge ass wedding. Over three hundred guests, a huge cake, and lots of alcohol. That's about all I remember from it. That should've clued me in, huh?

We stayed in the house that my parents' bought us as a wedding present. Rosalie bitched that it wasn't big enough, or in the best neighborhood, but I tuned her out for the most part. She'd grown up privileged and was a bit spoiled, but I loved her with every fiber in my being.

I got a good job working as an engineer for a company while Rosalie flitted around, not really trying to find a job. At the time, I hadn't seen it that way, but looking back, I could see that was what she had done. She would occasionally hint that I should have a better job or make more money, but I liked what I did, so I pretty much ignored her.

A year and a half before we divorced, shit had started to hit the fan. We were bickering a lot. Mainly about money. She would spend tons of money on designer clothes and charge it on the credit cards. I finally put my foot down when I saw a bill for over five thousand dollars spent on one item. That was ridiculous.

"I don't see what the problem is, Emmett," she'd complained. "It's not like you don't have a trust fund."

"I'm not touching my trust fund unless it's an emergency. You know that, Rosie. You need to stop spending money like it's water. I make good money but not enough to feed your shopping habit. It stops now," I'd told her.

She'd thrown a tantrum, screaming and throwing things, but I'd refused to change my mind. Not that it mattered. The next month, I got another huge bill and that was when I paid off the balances and shut down the cards. She'd gone to stay with a girlfriend for a week after that. Shed come back all sweet and apologetic, and I'd believed her. Looking back, I couldn't believe what a sucker I was.

It wasn't until Bella moved to town and expressed an interest in Eddie that things really went down hill. Don't get me wrong. None of it was Bella's fault. She was just the catalyst, the straw that broke the camel's back, the – well, you get what I mean.

Somewhere along the way, Rosalie had gotten it in her head, that her sister would be perfect for Ed. I'd done my best to discourage that idea, but to no avail. And then when Rosalie had spouted off stuff about Bella being a manipulator and playing Edward for a fool, I had believed her. No one fucks with my little bro but me. I saw red and it never occurred that Rosalie was playing me for a fool. But she did. And I felt horrible. I really liked Bella, and I couldn't apologize enough.

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