Chapter 27

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A/N: This is the last official chapter of this story and it's short.  I apologize for that, but I felt it did what it needed to do.  Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing!


"If I have not read a book before, it is, for all intents and purposes, new to me whether it was printed yesterday or three hundred years ago." ~ William Hazlitt


Sitting on the couch, I glanced at the clock on the wall for the fifteenth time. Time was dragging by far too slowly.

"What's up, Eddie? You keep looking at the clock," Emmett asked.

"Just wishing time would hurry up."

Emmett shook his head. "Man, I was never this calm when I was getting married. Remember? I was a nervous wreck."

I wanted to say that it was because he knew deep down that he was marrying the wrong woman, but I kept my mouth shut.

"I'm not nervous at all. I'm more than ready for Bella to be my wife. To have my name, my kids, and be mine forever."

"Marriage doesn't always last forever," Emmett said quietly.

I gave his shoulder a light squeeze. He hadn't told me what he and Rosalie had talked about last night, but when he had come over earlier, he'd seemed sadder.

"But," he said, flashing me a smile, "I have a feeling you and Bella will last."

Me, too. I knew without a doubt, we'd be together forever. I was sure there would be moments when we didn't get along, but I wasn't overly worried.

We spent the next few hours just hanging out with Dad and Jasper before it was finally time for me to get ready. I headed upstairs, put on my tux, ran my fingers through my unruly hair, then headed back down.

Moments later we were heading toward the meadow. I could hardly contain my excitement at seeing my sweet girl. She was going to be my wife in just a short time, and I was ecstatic. I had never really pictured myself getting married but before Bella, there were a lot of things I had never seen myself doing. Meeting her was the best thing that had ever happened to me.

We arrived at the meadow and got out, where I was greeted by a teary mom.

"Oh, my baby! Look at you! You look so handsome and grown up. Oh, I can't believe my baby is getting married!" she cried, pulling me to her and giving me a hug.

I hugged her back, letting her have her moment. A few minutes later, I made my way to the front of the aisle, standing near Reverend Weber. The music began and I watched as Leah and Emmett walked down the aisle before going their separate ways. The music changed and the wedding march began. Looking down the aisle, I felt my breath catch in my throat. She truly was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her as Charlie walked her toward me. Once they reached me, Charlie gave me Bella's hand which I tightly clasped in my own. Before I knew it, I was saying "I do", and Reverend Weber was pronouncing us husband and wife. Leaning down, I caught Bella's lips with my own giving her a sweet, tender kiss.

"Hello, Mrs. Cullen," I whispered.

"Hello, husband," she whispered back, giving me one more kiss.

The reception flew by and soon we were on our way home to spend our first night as husband and wife. I hated to admit it, but I was actually nervous. Although, for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why. It wasn't as if we'd never made love before, but tonight would be the first time we made love as a married couple.

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