Chapter 14

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A/N:  I love you all and the reviews you leave me!  I don't have much to say except thank you.  Oh, and this chapter earns it's "R" rating.  Felt, I should warn you.


"Good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos aren't good." Anonymous



Edward had been gone for quite a bit and while I had enjoyed spending time with Emmett, I had been a bit concerned that Rosalie or Alice had cornered him. I'd excused myself from the conversation that Emmett and Jasper were having regarding dick piercings, in order to go hunt down Edward. Truth be told, the conversation had been a bit disturbing.

As I had headed down the hall in the direction that Edward had gone, I'd heard Alice and Edward talking. I had stopped to turn around and head back down the hall when I'd overheard Edward.

"Then my heart breaks. Alice, I trust Bella with every fiber in my being. I love her."

I'd let out a gasp, covering my mouth with my hand. I hadn't believed it. Edward Cullen loved me!  

"You love me?" I'd asked softly, my gaze never wavering from his.

A blush had brushed his cheeks, turning them pink. He'd looked so fucking adorable. He'd given a nod to my question. "Very much so," he'd said, quietly.

I hadn't been able to contain myself. I'd run down the hall, almost knocking Alice over in my haste to get to Edward. The moment I'd reached him, I'd thrown my arms around him.

"Oh, thank God!" I'd exclaimed. "I'm so fucking in love with you, Edward! So much so, that it scares me a bit. I haven't said anything because I was afraid that you wouldn't feel the same," I said, my arms around his waist, cheek pressed against his chest.

His heart had been pounding, and I had been thrilled to know it was because of me. Edward's arms had been firm around me, pulling me into him before he'd picked me up and twirled us around. The minute my feet had touched the ground, his lips had been on mine. My hands had found purchase in his hair, and I'd tugged on the strands. His grip had tightened as he'd let out a moan before thrusting his tongue against mine.

"I love you, Bella Swan," he'd whispered, breaking from our kiss.

My heart had swelled with love. I had been amazed and awed by the feelings that had overcome me.

"I love you too, Edward Cullen."


The alarm went off far too early. I let out a groan and cuddled up more closely to Edward. I wasn't ready to move from the warmth of his arms.

"Are you going to turn off the alarm?" his muffled voice asked, thick with sleep.

I let out a growl before slamming my hand down on the stupid thing, effectively silencing it. Reluctantly, I pushed back the covers and headed toward the bathroom. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Edward throw back the covers and stretch. My eyes were immediately drawn to his bare chest and that glorious happy trail. He was so fucking hot. He caught me staring at him and blushed a gentle red. I gave him a cheeky grin, blew him a kiss, then headed into the bathroom.

I stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, and found Edward still clad in his boxers holding a cup of coffee.

"Figured you could use this," he said softly, handing me the mug.

I took a long pull from it and let out a sigh. I was starting to feel human and more awake. I thanked him and gave his ass a light slap as he walked toward the bathroom. Twenty minutes later, a freshly showered Edward walked back into the room. It took everything in me not to jump him and have my wicked way with him right then and there.

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