25 // ❀512 days before❀

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[POSTED SONG: On An Evening In Roma cover by Michael Bublé]

📍Venice, Italy📍

*2 months later*

Travelling these past couple of months have been an absolute drag. There've been countless hours of flight time, road trips, sound checks, concerts, and I'm not even the one performing! All I can do is imagine how exhausted Harry and the band must be feeling.

I'm thankful I was able to balance doing all of my schoolwork but, honestly, my intern work is not hard whatsoever. All I do is run errands a couple of times a day, do homework, and hang out with Harry, Lou, and Amelia. Aunt Amy knew she was giving me a free vacation out of this. Elise didn't join us on tour the entire time because of her work but she did drop by a couple of times to hang out with Harry.

Right now, the plane we're on is getting ready to depart Poland to get to Italy, and this flight is the last straw before I actually lose my mind. It's okay, though, because just in a few days I get to go back to Hawaii for the holidays.

I'm sitting at the window seat with my head leaning up against it. Harry is sitting right next to me with his head laying on my shoulder as my body tries to lock in the memory of how his touch feels before he eventually withdraws.

"Ugh, fuck!" Harry wails and dramatically slams his phone on the table in front of us. "She's done it again!"

"What are you complaining about?!" I lower my book to look over at Harry.

"Lani! She beat me again in a game of 8 ball!" he whines, dragging his hands down his face in annoyance.

"That's exactly why I stopped playing against her a long time ago," I say. Harry rolls his eyes, grabs a pillow and sets it on my lap so that he could lay his body down completely across the row of seats.

He has his hands under his head and he closes his eyes, preparing to doze off into a blissful sleep. As much as I want to run my fingers through his hair, or even caress the sides of his face, I stop and distract myself with my book.

Like I said, travelling has been a drag but these past couple of months have been such an adventure for me and Harry.

We've made stops in Germany and Belgium so far and Graham did hold up his end of the deal by giving Harry's entourage breaks in between shows to venture out into the cities.

Laughs were shared, as well as emotional cries over TV deaths in Grey's Anatomy, mostly coming from Harry.

We're still on our never ending war on settling who's the better dancer so we've had our fair share of noise complaints for loud music and stomping on the ground. As well as the multiple lectures from Ruth for blowing off the travel budget on copious amounts of room service food and midnight massages at the hotel spa.

I've always seen myself as a loner in my future. Having only a few friends that I wasn't close with; Lani of course being my only friend I feel comfortable talking to. So befriending Harry has been a huge change in to what I was so set on thinking my future would turn out to be.

Not so much befriending Harry has made a shift, but actually breeding close to the point I consider him one of my best friends. I'm glad we've grown close and that our friendship is growing strong. It's definitely given me a new outtake on life and people in general.

I've been trying to shake off these feelings for a while now but the more time I spend with him, and the more I get to know him, they're only growing stronger.

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