3) Project and Friends?

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Hana POV

WOW! Y/n and Seungcheol oppa are really rich! This house almost feels like a Mansion, she even said that They have a swimming pool outside but its kinda small. She said almost 10-15 people can swim their, you kidding me Thats large!

"Yah! Earth to hana." Says y/n.

"O-oh Miane, Dino? Lets go do our project." I said and he nodded. "I'll help you remember?" Seungcheol said. I nodded and we all went to his room. Leaving the 2 downstairs.

Minghao POV

"Okay let's do our project.." i said. She nodded and sighed. I bet she's super annoyed that im here.. jeez.. I wish that i'm not the bad boy in school..

'teacher!! Mingming is in the bathroom covered in blood! Minghao should see it too!"

"What?! NO!-"

"Yah! Minghao! Are you coming or not?" Y/n snapped me out.

"Ah y-yea! Sorry." I followed her to her room, as i came it's not really a beautiful or Modern room . It's kind of simple and kind of messy. But its like my room anyway so yeah.

"Don't touch anything, just sit down at the sofa over their while i change , DONT LOOK." She said angrily and annoyed at me. I nodded my head and sighed.

I picked up my phone in my pocket and searched on how to make our project.
Theirs a tutorial here and it says easy.

"Hey Y/n, i found a tutorial here in the internet. Lets try this out!" I said, i can hear her voice saying "okay just wait."

As i got the items needed inside my bag. Y/n got out and i blushed at what i see.
She's wearing shorts and a crop top.. that's not my type... i dont like those kinds of girls but i'll just have to deal with it.

"Okay so show me what the tutorial is." She said and i opened my phone and showed her the video. While i prepared everything we need.

"Oops." She randomly said , i looked at her and raised a brow. "Waeyo?"

"I accidentally opened the gallery.. sorry.." she said. I smiled a little . Wait why would i smile.. i should be mad..

"No.. it's fi-" that smile disapeared as i saw a familiar girl in my phone.

"Whats wrong?" She asked.

I coughed and cleared my throat.

"N-nothing, i just saw a familiar girl in my phone.."

"Tell me!"

"If it's the right time.."


Then we continued our project.

Dino POV

"and sometimes y/n would-"

"Hyung stop talking for a second we're concentrating here." I said, Hana giggled. Scoups hyung pouted.

"Chan I can't believe that we're almost done! And thanks for helping Seungcheol oppa." Hana said.

"No problem," he said. I smiled at her.

"Umm , i wanna visit Y/n for a second. Is it ok?" I asked hyung, he nodded.

I went to y/n's room, im just worried because maybe minghao would do something to her. Im at her door and i knocked.

"Come in!" I heard her say.

I opened the door, revealing the two making their projects peacefully.
"Heya Y/n, Hi minghao hyung.." i said. They waved at me.

"How's your project?" I asked
"Its going well! Actually we're almost done. Its quite easy to be honest," she said

"Yep. Im agreeing with her." Minghao said.

"Your project looks great! Wait 'till you see ours!" I said. Y/n giggled and Minghao nodded.

"And thats the last part... Done!" She said. They both cheered. I gave them a thumbs up. I went out of the room and they followed me. I opened Coups Hyung's door and revealed the two talking about something but stopped until they saw us.

"Hey! Check out our Solar system!" Hana said.

"It looks cool!" Y/n said

Minghao gave a thumbs up.

"Since when did the bad boy become good?" Seungcheol hyung asked.

"YAH hyung im always nice.. its just my personality is always like that." He added while we laughed. I laughed fakely.

I looked at the time. Its getting late. Its 10:05 already. Wow time is fast.
"Its time for me to go. See ya guys! Oh and Hana want me to take the Project at my place? I'll finish it." I asked.

"Its fine chan, i can do it. Plus you already did almost everything and i only did paint. So let me finish it." She answered and i nodded.

"Bye girls! Bye Hyungs." I said and left the building.

Then They did the final designs for their project and their done.


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