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Dino POV

4 months later..

Today was going to be different. Because im going to visit a little friend of mine. Which was really important to me.

I took a taxi . No one with me today. The hyungs are Busy with god knows what. Hana and Y/N are hanging out, girl to girl thingy that i don't know. But i ignored those thoughts as the Taxi stops . I payed the price as i thanked the driver.

I went to the flower store. I bought a rose. Only one. Since this rose was said that can survive in maybe months without water. Its 170$ so yeah.

I walked to the side walk. I'm the only one that looks nice here. I saw people look at me as they wide their eyes. I waved and shushed them so that no cameras would know im here.. except the CCTVs..

"Mr. Lee Chan?" A voice asks behind me. I turned around to see a girl holding a notepad and a phone. "Can you sign this please..? It's my first time meeting you in person too! Nice to meet you!" She said. I chuckled and grabbed her pen. I signed it and she jumped around.

She asks if it was okay to take a picture. "Make sure you don't post it 'kay?" I asked . She nods. "Of course! Maybe you'll go somewhere private too. Sorry if im disturbing you." She said. What a good carat she is!

"No its fine." I said. Then she opens her camera at her phone and i did a korean heart. She did a peace sign and we smiled.

"Omo Kamsahamnida!" She said and bowed. "No probs, see ya." I said waving at her then walk again.

Finally i found the thing i was looking for. I placed the flower on top of the grave. Where it says.

'Here lies , Xu MingMing.'
'Born in december 2. 1999
Died in August 8 2014'

"Mingming- ah.. i really miss you .. ya know that right? Im sorry, i cheated on you. I found A person named Hana, which has the same personalities.. except she was angry at me at first.. but i already apologized. But i hope you'd have a great time with Eomma too. Bye Mingming i gotta go , manager said i need to be fast. Due to our new song. Ulgo shipji Ahna." I said. I stood up and waved at the grave.

"Oh and Saranghae. I'll visit you again okay?" I said.

Then i walked away from the grave.


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