Chapter 26

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Harry's P.O.V.

"After accused of engagement twice and accidentally getting pregnant Kendra Evens got into drugs last week. is Kendra's carrier gonna go down the drain because of it?! will Harry break off the engagement?!" I shut off the T.V. as Kendra walked into our house (in canada. the girls canceled the rest of the tour so Kendra could recover) from her doctors appointment. she had gone to see if the drugs had harmed the baby.

Her cheeks were sopping wet with tears. tears rolled down my face. she didn't have to say anything...i knew it wasn't good news.

"the babies dead" she said her voice cracking and more tears falling down her face. I just sat there...crying.

eventually Kendra collapsed to the floor in tears. I wanted to help her but...i was to week.

I would never blame her! it wasn't her fault! she was depressed! she was trying to make to pain go away!

Duke ran to Kendra and sat beside her looking very worried.

Even though he had more 'bonding' time with him...Kendra was his master!

Just then Jady started crying from her room and Duke was off to find out what was wrong sliding around the corner and running down the hall.

I finally decided to go over to Kendra. she clung onto my shoulder and cried even harder

"You promised!" she yelled still crying "you promised this wouldn't happen again! you promised me!" she continued "i know!...i know!" i whispered crying with her.


"What the hell?!" i said looking out the window.

Reporters and cameras were crowding our lawn.

"what?!" Kendra asked worried, from the kitchen. "nothing!" i replied hopping she wouldn't look out side...she did. "GOD!" she yelled dropping the dish she was drying and collapsing to the floor.

this made Jady scared and she started crying and Duke ran to her side. I ran to Kendra's side.

Her hands and knees were cut up and bloody from the broken glass she fell on. "hey! Come on! lets get you cleaned up!" i helped her up and into the bathroom.

I grabbed her wrists and stuck both her hands under the tap.

"Harry it hurts!" she said crying "i know but the burning will stop soon!" i said sitting her on the toilet and looking under the sink for band-ads "no!...not the cuts!" she said which made me look up at her, confused "first Kenna and now this!...maybe we're not meant to have kids!" She said a little more calmly. "NO!" I yelled refusing to hear what she was telling me. "we have Jady!" I said calmly "maybe that all we're meant to have!" she said, more tears rolling down her face."no. no. no" i whispered "we're gonna have a big family with four kids and we're gonna be happy!" i continued

Just then Jady started crying. i ran out if the bathroom down the hall around the corner and into the kitchen.

Jady had made her way over to the glass that was on the kitchen floor and cut her self "oh shit!" i yelled picking her up and carrying her into the bathroom almost tripping over Duke who was at my feet worried for Jay.

I handed Jay to Kendra and then went to deal with the glass.


"I'm going out with the boys this evening!" i said grabbing my keys from the counter separating the living room and the kitchen and walking out the door.

Jenna's P.O.V.

after Kendra's 'accident' i realized how short life is and i wasn't going to wast another moment!...i was going to start a family with Louis!...starting TONIGHT!


"Lou!" i yelled for him to come in our room. "hey! Ni and Chell are watching movies! you wanna join 'em?!" he asked walking in our room. "no!" i said plainly "what-" i cut him off with a kiss.

"what was that for?!" he asked hypnotized by the kiss. "i wanna start a family!" I smiled devilishly. Louis kissed me and pushed my back on the bed.



THIS CHAPTER IS FOR NY FRIEND musicnotes101 (she is not writing a story now but she has two, ten chapter stories written!! They are awesome!! You Next and This Summer!!! check them out!) I KNOW IT'S NOT EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANTED BUT HERE YA GO!!!!






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