Chapter 54

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Kendra's P.O.V.

"where the hell have you been?!" Jenna asked getting up from the couch "Jenna?!...what are you doing in my house?!" I yelled confused and shocked "i've been texting you all i came here to find out what was going on...and what do i find...your not here...Harry doesn't know where you were and all you did was leave a note that says 'gone out'...GONE OUT!? THATS IT!?...and you clearly left your phone behind since you didn't hear any of my texts! one knew where you were and we all were worried!" She yelled very mad"Jenna!...calm down!" i laughed "you think this is funny?!...IT'S NOT FUNNY!" she yelled "JENNA!...i'm a grow woman!...i don't need your permission to go out!" i yelled "i didn't say you need my permission...i just want to know when your going, where you going, what time your leaving, what time you'll be back and who your going with!" she said calmly. i laughed "okay...i went today, and i went out. i left earlier and i got back now and i went with somebody!" i smiled "cheeky!" She fake smiled and i laughed "okay! okay!...i went on a date with a guy!" i said quickly "who is he and where did you meet him?!" she asked quickly. i laughed "his name is Tyler Robison and i met him at church!" i explained sitting on the couch

"church?! since when do you go to church?!" Jenna asked sitting next to me "since i started going!" i laughed "stop that!" she yelled slapping my arm "stop what?!" i laughed. she just glared at me.

"Where is he from?!" she asked "he's originally from Texas" i explained "TEXAS?! why is he in Saskatoon?!" She almost yelled "it's hard to explain...he though people needed hus help here" i explained.

"What does he do?!" Jenna asked confused and looking almost disgusted. "he's a pastor" i said plainly "HE'S A PASTOR?!" she screamed "you can't date a pastor!" she yelled "why?!" i asked confused "because if you get married you can't get divorced and then your whole family will be miserable and you kids will start doing drugs and watching porn shows and do it all behind your back!" she yelled. i just laughed

"who even said we're dating?!" i laughed "you did when you asked 'why?!'!" she laughed "well we're not!...he's helping a counsellor almost!" I smiled "didn't you call it a date?!" she asked suspiciously "okay!...maybe he did take me out on a date and just maybe i had an amazing time...maybe i'm still in love with someone else and i'm trying not to give him the wrong idea but maybe i'm totally failing at that because he kissed me" i said all in one breath."NO!" Jenna screamed and made me jump "BREAK UP WITH HIM! DON'T KISS HIM AGAIN! AND WHAT EVER YOU DO DON'T LET HARRY SEE YOU TWO TOGETHER!" she yelled "i though you said you don't like Harry!"

"I...well...he...might have grown on me..." i laughed "i see how you look at him and how he looks at you and...*sigh* two love each other!" she sighed.

I was about to cry but i swallowed my tears. "we're not getting back together" i said, my voice cracking. "well just-" i cut her off "JENNA! drop it! please!" i yelled. Jen just sighed

"where is everyone?!" i asked noticing that Duke just walked down the hall Jady and Harry wasn't in the house. "oh their at my house!" Jen said plainly "why?!" i asked slowly "cause i told Harry to leave...we need some best friend kids...just you, me, a tube f ice cream, a box a tissue and the T.V.!" she smiled and i laughed "i'll pop some popcorn!" i smiled, getting off the couch.


We laughed and talked and watched movies and ate and cried and i had some much fun!


"I guess the worst thing about it is that...i try to move on but...i'm around him all the time and...when i'm not around him...i can't stop thinking about him!" i said and Jenna just sat across the couch from me...clinging onto my every word. "it's okay!...we'll get through this!...promise!" She sorta smiled and i sorta smiled back.

Just then my phone went off.

From Tyler

Thats all i had to read before a big smiled formed on my face.

"what?!" Jenna laughed and looked over my shoulder to see who it was. there was a but if a pause. "NO! as much as i want you to move on...pastors are forbidden!" She yelled ripping my phone out of my hand and extending her arm out of my reach. "hey! give that back!" i said trying to reach for my phone but she held me back with her free arm. "NO! i will not let you throw your life away!" she yelled.

i continued to reach for the phone and she continued to hold me back until...her are gave out sending me crashing towards her and both of us falling off the couch and onto the floor. We both bursted out with laughter.

"I'm serious though! Not him! anyone but him!" she yelled still laughing a bit. "Jenna...he's sweat and nice and respects me and...i don't know why god blessed me with him...and your trying to take him away from me...i just don't get it!" i said crossing my legs and sitting on the floor. "I don't think god gave you this man to love" she said settling on the floor as well "and what makes you think that?!" i asked kinda mad. "because your still in love with Harry!" she said quickly. i froze.

She's right! your still in love with Harry...and you know it!

"I just don't understand why you don't get back together!" Jenna almost yelled "because i'll get hurt again!" i yelled. "no" she said plainly shaking her head "you gave him two beautiful kids...let him buy a house with him...let him keep a dog and three cats...and got him out of he's half the man i know he can be...he'll realize this and won't hurt another hair on your pretty little head ever again!" Jenna said and with that she got up and walked out the door...leaving me alone with my thoughts...and feelings.

Chasing forever: Book 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu