4. Over the edge

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This chapter was longer than normal. Give me suggestions please hehe. Ugh such a slow story sorry!!!
(Ciels POV)
After I cleaned my room and dusted the library I heard a knock on the house doors. I slowly walked downstairs but Madam Red was already at the door. She opened the door smiling a surprised smile when she saw Elizabeth. Madam Red stole a glance at me, then turned back to Elizabeth telling her to come in.

"So what's your name" Madam Red asked trying to hide her surprise that it was a girl, or the fact that someone was here to see me. "I'm Elizabeth" she answered with a little giggle. God, Elizabeth is sooooo nice around adults, but after our little meeting she won't be able to be nice at all.

"I'm here to...talk with Ciel um a-about a project, yes a project for school. For making it up off the top of her head, she sounded convincing.
"Oh well you can get on that!" Madam Red said, way to excited that is. Elizabeth gave her a nod and started walking upstairs, I followed after she got up five stairs. I looked back at Madam Red. She had a huge smile and put up to thumbs. I looked at her confused, why did I need a thumbs up?

When I opened the door to my room for here to come in, she backed away. "I don't need to go in your room just give me the deets so I can leave as soon as possible, your aunt smells like fish." she complained.

Hehe all of it, all of it was so annoying! This is the first time I got mad at her. This time I'm actually giving her something she wants and all she can do is complain. I couldn't help it. She pushed me over the edge.

I pushed her as forcefully as I could into my room, and watched as she fell on the floor, her facial expressions twisted. "WHAT THE HELL!" She yelled. I ignored and stabbed a knife right through her thigh, then into the lower leg, followed by the ankle. "AAAAAAHHHH!!!" was all I could hear coming from her chapped, bitter lips. I covered her mouth with tape so Madam Red would stay oblivious.

"Stop yelling." I told her with a whiny tone, that was smooth and calm, but still stoic. "you don't want my aunt to here, someone told me she smelt like fish. Hehehehahhahah"

Yes I can be crazy some times but everyone deserves it.

"Hhmmphpmmh" she mumbled through the tape. I sighed and took it off of her keeping it centimeters away. "What." If she yelled I would be so mad. "W-What are you going t-to do?" She stuttered. Ugh she made me take the tape of got that I could have just shown her.

I put the tape back on her mouth and spoke. "Oh if you wanted to know that you could have just asked me to show you heheheheh." I sighed, this is fun.

I hit here in the head with the back on the knife. Blood spilled but there was no cuts. I watched her try to keep conciseness.

"Everyone thinks your so annoying you know that. Even Sebastian does hehehe" at this point I was talking to myself. I looked at Elizabeth who was confused and it showed. Then her eyes went wide with amazement, but the fear still lingered.

I walked over to her and ripped the tape off. "You...like...Sebastian?!" She whisper-screamed. "W-what! I like no one!"  I started to wander, do I? Wait I have no feelings. With that said, there is nothing, nor no one for me to like. "I can't believe out of what I'm doing and what I said, that's what you got out of it" I said, annoyed.

She rolled her eyes. Even with the circumstances she still finds a way to be so bratty! I had enough of it, it's not like I would get her to succumb to fear.

I quickly shoved the knife through her head and put her in a bag. Her parents probably won't miss her, I thought. I dragged the bag downstairs until I was met at the last step by Madam Red.

Stained with the color red (SebaCiel AU)Where stories live. Discover now