★ [TRENTE CINQ]: Make It Even

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[TRENTE CINT]: Make It Even

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[TRENTE CINT]: Make It Even

"Let me tell you the secret of breaking. My love. You break not because others take too much of you. Rather. You break because you give them too much of you."


may 7, monday, school


"I admit it, the debut party was amazing." Gold admitted sheepishly, I nod my head in a cocky way. "Hah, I thought so." I smirk, even though I dislike Ayano, I admit the party was amazing. Gold shakes her head and mutters a few curses.

"Not because of the party," Gold tells me. I raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I ask partially perplexed. "Uhh, something happened. . between me and uh, K—"

My brain immediately translates that Gold kissed someone. "W-Wait! You kissed someone didn't you?" I had realized that this was the face that Gold makes everytime she's severely flustered. Or something.

But hey, this girl can fall inlove quickly. "Sort've?" I was perplexed. "Stop pausing! For god's sake who the hell did you kiss?!" I whisper-shouted at Gold. She laughs nervously.

"Kyran may have kissed me on the cheek before I left last night." Gold admitted. Her cheeks flushing a bright red.

I sighed, "Yeah yeah, whatever, I knew that anyways. But yeah Gold, you damn right kissed him."


I dragged Gold beside me in the cafeteria. "Hey we got some buisness to talk about." I demand Gold as her blush creeps in again.

"F-Fine." As we both grab our lunches, Gold picks on her food while she talks. "After the end of the party, Kyran admitted to me that he liked me. We were dead silent after that and none if us dared to move, I was shocked. I had never thought that he would ever develop feelings for me."

I nodded, but a grin kept surfacing. I had something to tease Kyran now. "I-I just like him Funneh-! And my mind is driving me insane." Gold mumbles, I roll my eyes.

"What are you high on?" I amusingly admit, Gold hits me on the shoulder. "Love." We both look up to see Prince. I rolled my eyes, "What do you want pretty boy?" Prince sits down with us, Alec by his side as he motions Alec to sit down with us.

"I don't want anything from you badass." I stick my tongue out, I may had been friends with Prince even after the start of Gold and Prince's relationship.

But after a series of hardships from them, Gold's feelings just floated away. No love couldn't be felt anymore. That was when Gold told him that it would be best for them to split up. Prince immediately contacted me first and told me to wake up in three thirty in the morning on a weekend.

I was mad at him first, but the more he told me the whole story, the more I understanded him. He still loved Gold. But she didn't love him anymore.

Turning him into the playboy that he was. Hooking up with severeal girls to find the one for him again. I pity Prince, but he doesn't desire sympathy.

"You are infact inlove Goldie." I could feel the tension and sadness in his eyes. "Yeah whatever." Gold's words spit like venom. I sigh, "Make up please, I'm getting tired of your attitude Gold." I plead for Gold to make up.

Prince sticked his arm out for a handshake. While Gold looked at him sadly then hugged him. Prince's eyes widen, as of mine too.

"Yeah whatever, I'm sorry too Prince. I'll be the bigger person and stop the awkwardness. Besides, I need someone to share secrets to whom will never share it." Gold glares back at me.

I scoffed at her, "Gold, I'm good at keeping secrets! The people whom I've told them to just don't." I reason.

Gold and Prince burst out laughing. "That was pathetic, admit it that you can't even keep a secret to save your life!" I rolled my eyes, "Ha. . ha. . whatever I'm socially awkward so I say secrets so I can talk about something so what?"

Alec finally spoke, he cleared his throat. "Stop acting like a soap opera, I didn't sit here to witness it."

Like Alec killed the mood, I had just wanted to shoot him straight in the head.


I had told Alec to just do the session in a café, I was getting bored of the public library vibes. "Yeah and we're here." I panted, yes we walked.

And now I damn know that it was a terrible idea! "You sadistic freak." Alec muttered, which reminded me of the earlier Alec. I chuckle.

I stay silent though and told him to go inside with me. This was a 24/7 café thing, and it even had free internet. So it was the best option we had so far.

We lined up as I unknowingly talk to Alec. Yeah, I'm a blabber mouth. Whatever, I can't stop talking.

"So yeah, avez-vous déjà eu des moments où vous avez eu des sentiments pour une fille, des sentiments romantiques?" I ask, leaving Alec perplexed.

I sigh, I was teasing him randomly. "What I mean is, did you ever had times that you had feelings for a girl, romantic feelings?" Alec stared at me.

"You are nosy, you know that?" I stayed silent too until he opens his mouth to speak again. "You are not being even, tell me something you don't tell anyone and maybe I'll open up to you."

Someone clears their voice until I realize that it was our time to order. "Ahem, ma'am, sir, it is time to order. Please don't keep the people behind you waiting." The staff person politely states and I smile back.

These people were plain annoying. I hate them for no reason. "I'll just have an Americano." I state, the guy types my order and looks at Alec. "And you kind sir?" He proceeded to order.

"I'll order a cappucino."

The guy smiled at us then told us to patiently wait for our orders. After we got our orders, we proceeded to our table to continue our session.

i didn't really want to portray prince as a bad character (yeah i knu he's a playboy buttttt character development laterrrrr) in this book because that idea seemed too overused at this point. i just love to experiment with characters and their personalities :).

EDITED: APRIL 27, 2018

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