My powers

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Lucy's pov🥀
I stood there in such disbelief. My mum was in my room. My room=my mum. What? How is that even-

"Hello my baby" my mum basically sang to me. She really was a glowing angel...
"I've come to give you your powers and I know you're more than ready for this"
I couldn't form any word, I was nervous and exited.... I was buzzing.
"Ready when you're mum" I said beaming at her still glowing beautiful figure. Mum raised her finger and Began doing a swirling motion with it. As I began to furrow my eyebrows gold sparks were court within her finger tips and grew with every swirl. Eventually it seemed like she has a mini golden tsunami at her fingertips and there stood me with me. Mouth gaping open at the incredible, impossible sight in front of me.

She reached out her finger with the sparks still developing and touched the middle of my forehead and I instantly felt the power take over my body as o felt it rush through my blood as it travelled around my body at a rapid speed which scared me yet gave me a thrill all at once. My mum looked at me with admiration and I saw a tear drop from her eye as a smile grew on her face which made a smile grow on my face. I looked down at my now glowing body and I felt overjoyed and now overpowered. Hell yeah.

Then, it all stopped and I was stood in the room with my mum in shock as I still felt the power within me.
"You'll have to be careful dear, there are some cruel people in the world including your brother" which made tears fall from her eyes continuously so I hugged her tightly waiting for her continue "it's a dangerous world out there but I believe in everything you do and I'll be watching every move you make" my mum had now stopped crying and was looking at me sincerely "It's going to be a hard road with these powers but you will have an amazing life and meet amazing people and you'll learn to love your life with powers and use them effectively hunny"
"What are my powers mum?" I asked curiously.
"Well you and your brother both have some of the same powers like you can both move things with your mind, you can both kill with your mind, you can also get inside of people's heads and tell them what to do" she implied.
"But the difference between you both is that your brother has tracking devices implanted in him so he can track anyone down" she stated "but you Lucy you have the most beautiful power of all" She began to trail of leaving me leaning on the edge of my seat in suspense.
"What is what tell me please???!!!! " I rushed.
"Okay okay you have the 4 elements sweetie...." my mum stated calmly with a tone of humour in her voice from my reaction before. I looked at her dumb founded. I've never heard of this being real. I've heard about it before no ones ever in the history of supernatural gotten it until now....
I was shocked to say the least. "Like I said Lucy you have to be careful because Someone could easily just take the powers of you and then you'll die so please be careful"she said with a tone of worry, "I will mum don't worry, I'll be the safest person ever, I'll even wear those safety specs scientist wear" I winked as I said that. She laughed musically and she then waved and began to fade away but before she left she whispered "good luck escaping and I love you, enjoy your life my baby"
I began to choke up" I love you too mum..........."

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