Chapter 19 A Sign of Relief

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After I was brought home by FP I couldn't have been more greatful for his warm hospitality and that was something I couldn't find anywhere else.
"Alice do you want anything to eat or drink"
"I'm OK thanks"
"Are you sure you don't need anything"
"Perhaps a cup of tea"
"Sure thanks Forsythe"
He makes the tea and then sits next to me on the couch.
"Were you not with Fred and Mary" FP asks.
"I was but Fred had gotten drunk before everyone else and we made a rule"
"What was the rule"
"The rule is if the first person in the group gets drunk before everyone else the second person must mind them"
"Sounds like a good rule,in my group of friends we never had a rule like that we were told to stay together this came to play when Justin Walsh was knocked down and instantly killed. He had his neck broken and he was so intoxicated that he ran out in front of the car as he had thought that his friends were at the other side".
"Oh Jesus yeah I remember that"
"It is nearly three years since his death."
"Time is going too fast Forsythe"
"Indeed It is"
"I had remembered that day I had known Justin as he was the captain of the schools senior basketball team and he was seen as a hunk with his ripping muscles and bright blue eyes and dark brown hair.
He and his pals were the gang to look at during high school they even began to sell Jingle Jangle outside of school.
Selling Jingle Jangle sounded like a risky job as he and his friends were close with some Serpents across the tracks.
The Serpents made them sell their jingle jangle in order to facilitate their needs.
The Serpents were always the first gang of people at a party before anyone else.
And that had been the way things had always been for the Serpents.
The Northside never approved of the serpents.
I had always thought that the northside will always have the same point of view for serpents.
And that would never change.

"I am going to sleep now Ali you can go into the room with the single bed I'll be OK on the couch"
"Are you sure that's rather nice of you"
"It's fine I hardly sleep in that room anyway"
"OK thank you"
"No problem"
"Night Ali"
"Night Forsythe"
I had only slept for at least two hours I woke up tossing and turning.
"I couldn't believe that north side idiot did that to my friend he will pay for it"

The next morning I had decided to make Alice her favorite breakfast .
I had wanted to make sure that she was happier than anything else right now after all she has been through enough in the last few hours.
I gave her breakfast in the living room
"Not a bother"
"I need to call my parents I want to tell them that I'm alright"
"OK then"

"FP I need to go back home and get ready for my shift at Pop's this afternoon."
"I'll drive you home "
"Thank You"
"Not a problem, I'm always happy to help you anytime Alli"
I get out of FP's truck and waved goodbye to him.
I walked into a busy Pop's with the service counter nearly I went around the back to change and walked towards the service counter.
A minute after I dealed with the first customer the bell above had rung from the top of the door.
It was Mary Andrews.
"Alice I heard about what happened at the party are you alright" ??
"I'm still shocked but FP came in and saved me. He had let me stay at his place"
"That's nice of him"
"Yeah it is"
"What can I get you Mary"??
"Actually I placed an order about an hour ago and I have just came to collect the order"
"That's alright i'll be right back"
I went out the back to grab Mary's order as I approached the service counter I was greeted by Fred Andrews.
"Hey Alice i'll have my usual order as well please and thanks"
"Sure Fred I'm right on it"
I prepared Fred's order and then packaged up his meal.

came out of the kitchen and gave him his order
"Thanks Alice"
Both himself and Mary leave together
"Bye Alice"

After the incident at the party I had a friend that I could rely on.
I was definitely sure that Hal would not remember the time he tried to rape me.
The incident between the two men had really opened my eyes.
I had now gained a better insight into the two men.
FP is a caring person,he might come from a rough background but that doesn't mean that he is a negative person.
I clearly knew who was the man for me the decision was too easy to make and within seconds.

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