Chapter 23

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You turned over on your side and opened your eyes. You were on the living room floor. You must've fallen asleep after the "dance party" You threw. There were MnM's scattered across the floor.

You sat up, rubbing the back of your neck. It was dark outside. You checked your phone to see what time it was. 3:03 AM.

You stood up, going to go get in bed, when you noticed something. Ethan and Mark had passed out on the couch. You giggled quietly. They looked so peaceful when they were asleep.

There was a note on the table beside the couch. The note read: We went home after you guys fell asleep. Hope you had a good night's rest! -Amy, Kat, and Tyler

Your eyes slowly grazed across the paper, too tired to even make out what the words said.

You sleepily trudged to your room.
You plopped down on the bed, not even bothering to get under the covers, and within seconds you were alseep again.

When you woke up for the second time that morning, You felt a lot more awake. You didn't hear anybody else, so you assumed they weren't awake yet. You decided to hop in the shower to freshen up.

After you had taken your shower, you went out into the living room to see if Mark and Ethan had woken up yet. You found them still fast asleep. Guess they were tired.

Since they were still asleep,You figured they might as well have something nice to wake up to. You put Mark's recording lights back into his office, and cleaned up the bowl of spilled MnM's off the floor.

You then went into the kitchen and whipped up some homemade pancakes batter that your Mom had taught you how to make. You poured some batter into a buttered skillet, and waited a bit before flipping it over with a spatula.

After cooking about ninepancanine, you poured the last bit of batter into the pan. As it was cooking, you thought it would be a good idea to try and flip the pancake with just the pan.

All those years of watching Chopped have led up to this moment.. You thought. You took a deep breath and grabbed ahold of the pan handle.

You jerked the pan and flipped the pancake. To your surprise, you flipped the pancake perfectly.. right on to the floor.

Oh well. You thought as you cleaned the mess off the floor.

You hummed to yourself as you set the kitchen table with plates, cups and silverware. You placed the plate of pancakes in the middle of the table, and smiled at your work.

You decided to wait a few minutes to enjoy the quiet before waking the boys up, so you sat in a chair and stared out the window. You saw a butterfly fly past the window, and that reminded you of that song by Mark and Schmoyoho, "Fly like butterfly."

You didn't know why, but you started to softly sing it as you stared out the window at the sky. As you sang, you realized how silly the words were. You laughed to yourself and kept singing.

"Wow, Why didn't you tell me you could sing?" You heard Ethan's voice say from the kitchen entrance.

"Ethan!" You said, turning around.
"I- How long have you been standing there?"

"Not too long. You're a great singer!"

You felt your cheeks get hot. "Thanks," you said, looking away. "I've heard your covers on your channel, You're really good too." You told him.

"Aw, Thank you." Ethan smiled

You smiled back at him. "Is Mark awake?" You asked.

"No, he's still asleep. I've got a picture of him drooling on the couch though, look!" He says, showing you a picture on his phone. "Another one in the blackmail folder," he whispers under his breath.

"What?" You ask.


You stand up out of your chair. "I guess I better wake up Mark.. the pancakes are getting cold."

"Pancakes?" Ethan asks excitedly.

"Yeah. I made some while you two were asleep."

"Can I have one?" Ethan says in a baby voice.

"I made them for you dummy. Go ahead and eat them," You laugh.

Ethan eagerly sits down and starts munching on the pancakes. "Mmm! Theshe arwe sho gwood!" Ethan mumbles, his mouth full.

"Glad you like them." You beam.

You make your way to the living room to wake up Mark, only to find that he isn't on the couch sleeping. That's weird. You didn't hear him get up.. Well, to be fair, you didn't hear Ethan either.

You walked around looking for him. "MARK!!" You called. You didn't hear an answer. You turned around to go back to the kitchen.

When you got to the kitchen, you looked at Ethan. "Ethan have you seen Ma-AAAAHH!" Mark jumped out from behind the door and scared you.

You held your hand to your heart and tried to catch your breath.

"You scared the life out of me!" You said to Mark.. who was laughing.

"Sorry (Y/n).. I- Are those pancakes?" Mark asked distracted by seeing Ethan eating.

"Yes. I made them for you guys." You said, still breathing fast.

Mark looked at you with puppy dog eyes.

You sighed. "YES. You can have them."

His eyes lit up. "You're the best sister ever!" Mark squeeze-hugged you, before annihilating the rest of the pancakes.

While the othef two were eating, You went back to your room and got on your phone to check your social medias.

You saw a particular post on twitter that stuck out to you. It was a picture of you and Ethan walking together at Pax. The post said: "Crankgameplays  has a girlfriend? AND IT'S MARKIPLIER'S SISTER?"

You admittedly weren't shocked at the post, because you expected this to happen. You debated on whether or not to reply and deny it. You looked at the comments on that tweet.

"Ship name will be.. (Ship name that you have to figure out lol)"



"Are you sure? They might be just friends"

You were grateful for that last person. You decided not to reply, because that would probably draw a lot more attention to the subject and you didn't want that. You just ignored it, or tried to anyways. You turned off your phone, stuffed it in your pocket, and went back to the kitchen to find only Ethan sitting there finishing his last bite of pancake.

He stood up, swallowing the bite. "Thank you for breakfast (Y/n), now I've got to get to work." He hugged you. "Bye!"

"Bye Ethan!" You called out as he left.

You stood there, in the kitchen, in silence.

Where did Mark go? You wondered. He's been acting really strange lately. You didn't know what was going on, but you were going to find out.

A/n So my Dad (for some reason?) Bought 2 crawfish (they look like shrimp) to put in our fish tank. I got to name them, so naturally, I named them Sean and Mark.

Also, I thought I had the ending planned out for this, but it took a slight turn. Not sure what i'm going to do, but I hope it will turn out okay in the end.

That's all for now. Bye!

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