Part 1

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a/n This is the first thing I ever wrote back in November 2017. It was something I'd wanted to write for a long time, it's a bit rough around the edges!

let me know what you think!

Em x

You unpacked the last of the boxes in the kitchen, looking around at the beautiful apartment you'd just moved into. It was on the top floor, open plan with a large living space leading onto a dining/kitchen, modern and sleek. You knew you were lucky to be able to afford this. Luck had everything to do with it. Winning that money had given you so many opportunities.

You walked out onto the balcony off from the kitchen and gazed at the London skyline. The sun was setting and it was stunning. The evening London breeze was cool but welcoming considering you'd been lugging boxes all day. You'd had help though, your Mam and Pops had helped. They were wonderful people - Mary and Bob were your unofficial adopted parents. They ran the Irish pub "The Charm" down near Putney market. You'd rented a flat above the pub from them when you'd first moved here a year ago. Unsure what area to buy in you'd rented to get a feel of where you wanted to live. They'd taken you in with warm welcoming Irish arms, made you feel like their own child. They'd got a son Michael who was 33 and recently married and treated you like a sister. You'd been alone for many years now. Your mother passing away when you were 5 and your father when you were 19.

At 29 you were starting your life over, leaving your old one in Norwich behind. It was a relief to be away from there, away from your step mum and sister and that fucking stupid ex of yours. This was a new start and something you were excited about. You finally could explore and be who you wanted to be. Not trapped like before.

You checked the time almost 6:30 you'd better get ready to leave if you were going to get to the pub by 7. It was a busy night at the pub tonight, a local band were playing and you'd said you play piano for them on a song plus you'd said you'd help your Pops collect glasses and pull the odd pint for him behind the bar if he needed the help. You walked into your bedroom to change your clothes. Slipping on a pair of dark denim jeans, simple black vest top and black cotton cardigan. You checked your hair, a messy bun and applied some lipbalm to your lips. That'll do, no need to dress up for the pub. You grabbed your bag, keys and phone on the way out slipping on some black leather flip flops.

The pub was only 10 mins away walking, you chose not to drive as you knew you'd enjoy a couple of drinks tonight as your friend Katie was out with her boyfriend and some of his mates. You'd only known Katie about 6 months, having met at the leisure club where you both used the gym and were part of a couple of dance clubs. She was hilarious and had instantly connected. You'd told her about the live music tonight and she said she'd come down with her boyfriend Willie and some friends for a few drinks.

You walked into the pub, instantly spotting your Pops behind the bar. You made your way over to him, discarding your bag in the back behind the bar and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey Pops." You said.

"Hey baby girl." He replied, in his strong Irish accent. "You get unpacked ok?"

"Sort of, still a bit of organising but nothing too major. Where's Mam?" You asked.

"Out collecting glasses and chatting to your friend Katie." He said.

"I'll go save Katie then!" You replied, with a laugh.

You made your way through the bar saying hello to a few people when you saw your Mam in the far right next to the stage. She was stood chatting to Katie who she had met a couple of times and a few lads. One you presumed to be Willie as you'd not met him yet and three other lads one of which you recognised, but couldn't quite figure out from where.

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