Part 6

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You got back from the gym at 6 and made your way into the kitchen to get some dinner. Niall was due home tonight (Thursday) and this thought had been distracting you all day. You'd not seen him since the previous Friday, the day you'd been to the guitar shop with him and you were desperate to hold him and inhale that sweet coconut smell again.

You thought back to the last time you'd seen him, the heated and hungry kiss. The way he'd lifted you up onto the kitchen counter to deepen your kiss and how you'd wrapped your legs around his waist desperately wanting him to hold you closer. You'd felt his arousal pushing against your centre and you'd let out a moan as he grabbed your bum to push you together even closer. He'd pulled away from the kiss first, putting his forehead against yours as he looked you in the eye. You could tell he wasn't sure if he should take that kiss any further or not.

You'd jumped down off the kitchen counter and continued making the coffee whilst sneaking cheeky smirks at him. He'd text you everyday since then, asking you how you were and telling you what he'd been doing. He'd been busy with promoting his single in Germany and Belgium. You knew he was going to Dublin tomorrow on an 11am flight so didn't hold out much hope that you would see him tonight.

You ate dinner, cleaned up and decided to shower and get into bed to watch tv, maybe get your iPad out and check out some holidays. You really needed to get a trip sorted.

It was just after 9pm when your phone bleeped. You were lying in bed watching some house hunting programme whilst looking on your iPad at flights to Paris.

It was Niall. "Hey you ok? What you up to?"

"Hi! How are you? Not much actually, just in bed watching crap tv. You on your way home?" You asked.

"I'm actually at your front door." He replied.


You'd never jumped out of bed that quick before. You looked around your room, it was tidy, you sniffed your arm pits, they smelt ok from your shower earlier. You looked in the mirror and thought your pjs and hair didn't look to bad.


You walked out of your room and down the hall to your front door, heart racing. You hadn't seen him in 6 days and it felt like forever. You looked through the peep hole and saw him. You thought maybe he'd been joking when he said he was at your door. With a deep breath you unlocked it and there he was.

"Hey! Nice pjs!" He said smiling.

"Ha! Thanks! You ok? Flight good?" You asked nervously.

"Yeah good, felt like it took ages to get home. Wanted to see you before I go away tomorrow." He said as he walked into the hall with you closing the door behind him.

His hands quickly falling onto your hips as you approached him, pulling you closer he tilted his head to snuggle into your neck. You wrapped your arms around his neck, slowly running your fingers through his soft dark hair. And there was that gorgeous coconut smell, he'd obviously been home and showered before coming over. You breathed him in snuggling right into his neck as he slowly nibbled and kissed at your neck. You let out a satisfied moan.

"I love it when you moan like that when I kiss you." He said, still snuggling into you.

"I can't help it!" You said giggling.

"I've missed you Annie." He said bringing his head out of your neck to face you.

"I've missed you to Niall."

And with that he kissed you, his plump rosy lips finding yours. You opened up letting his tongue in, it hungrily reaching yours, the kiss becoming more heated by the second. Your hands still running through his hair and around his neck. His hands had found your bum and he gave it a squeeze and pushed it so you were closer to him. You broke away gasping for air.

The Bucket List - A Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now