Part 11

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You woke the next morning, your bodies still wrapped around each other, your hands on his chest. You felt complete with him, but you knew the next ten days would be long while he was away. You could do it though, you were determined not to wallow about in self pity whilst he was gone. If the last 15 months had taught you anything then it was to be strong, focussed and to live for the day. You didn't want to scare him off by being clingy or by telling him that you knew you loved him.

You gazed up at him, listening to him breath, looking at every freckle he had, trying to memorize it for when you were apart. You don't know how long you laid like that but when he woke he smiled when he realised you'd been watching him sleep.

"Like what you see?" He said kissing you.

"Mmmm I do, you look cute when you sleep." You replied.

You looked over at the clock 9:35am.

"Fancy some breakfast babe?" You asked.

"Mmmmm breakfast sounds good." He said as he pulled at the covers and brought his body to hover over yours. He leaned down and kissed you softly, moving his tongue to part your lips wanting the kiss to be deeper.

"That wasn't what I meant Niall!" You replied chuckling as his lips trailed down your neck leaving kisses along your jaw.

"We have to leave in like an hour, and we haven't eaten or got dressed. You don't even have your golf stuff sorted!"

He let out a sigh knowing you were right. You couldn't believe you'd turned down sex with Niall, but you didn't fancy explaining to your Pops about why you were late picking him and your Mam up!

"When we get back later after lunch you can do whatever you like with me." You whispered in his ear.

"Oh god that will be all I'll be thinking about now for the rest of the day!" He said laughing.

You laughed to as you kissed him again deep and hard desperately trying to show him how much you wanted him. You pulled away from the kiss gasping, your hands laying on his chest as he still hovered over you staring into your eyes.

"Come on big boy lets go make toast." You said, easing yourself from under him and getting out of bed. You walked over to your drawer getting out some knickers and a top. Niall got out of bed to put on some boxers, you snuck a cheeky look at his peachy bum and smiled.

You made the coffee and toast and sat down at the dining table together. Niall was strangely quiet.

"You ok babe?" You asked.

"Yeah, just going to miss this." He said looking at you.

"It's only ten days and you'll be so busy and having a great time to worry about me!" You said trying to soothe him.

Just then Niall's phone bleeped. He looked at the message and sighed.

"A Newspaper has contacted management about us, obviously got a good picture of us both last night." He said. "They are not going to comment, leave it up to me in interviews to confirm it if I'm asked. That ok with you or shall I say we are friends?"

"Baby, I'm not offended if you want to say we are just friends and that you were holding my hand to protect me from the photographers in case I fell or something. You don't have to say anything in interviews about us. I won't be upset." You said leaning over and taking his hand in yours.

"If I get asked I don't want to lie about you, I don't want you to be a secret unless you'd prefer I didn't say anything?" He asked.

"This is your career Niall and if you'd prefer I was kept out of it I really don't mind but if you want to tell people we are seeing each other then that's ok with me to. I don't want you to feel any pressure. I don't want to ruin this. I'm having way too much fun!" You said smiling.

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