Part 15

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The past two weeks with Niall had been amazing. He'd gone to work doing promo stuff, interviews etc and you'd carried on your day to day stuff to, but he'd not travelled abroad or stayed away over night for work. He'd spent every night with you at yours since he got back from Australia. It had been so good to wake up every morning with him.

You were both fiercely independent and although you'd spent nearly all your free time together, you seemed to have got the right mix of when the other one needed space. He'd gone to the pub with his friends, you'd gone to classes with Katie and worked shifts at the pub, but you always ended up in each other arms to fall asleep each night. You'd also not showered by yourself, preferring to jump in with each other, sometimes you just chatted other times you cried out his name as he made you reach your high.

The night he'd gone to the pub you'd given him your spare key so he could let himself in if he was late back. He hadn't given it back but had added it to his key chain with a smile.

He left for Ibiza with the lads on the Friday morning. You and Katie weren't leaving till the Monday morning. A weekend to yourself was going to be strange. You had washing to catch up on ready for your trip to Portugal. You'd booked a golf and spa resort for you both. Bit of relaxing, spa treatments and golf for you.

"Hey bitch! Chinese and wine tonight?!" You'd messaged Katie.

"Sure thing wench! Be over at 6:30, I'll bring the food." She'd replied.

She arrived at 6:30 with a bag of Chinese. You'd already got out plates and wine glasses ready, so poured her a glass as she unpacked the food.

"Willie text to say he'd arrived ok." She said.

"Yeah Niall did the same." You replied.

"So are you two living together now? Willie said he's not slept at home for like two weeks."

"No not living together.........just ....... I'm not sure to be honest! It's nice to be together all the time while we can. Before we know it he will be away for 2 months touring America." You said sadly.

"Are you planning on going with him?"

"Yeah, for some of it." You replied as you sat down at the table.

"Right, here's to a great week!" Said katie as you clinked your glasses together. "Can't wait!"

"Me neither! Desperate to chill out in the sun."

"Have you got any idea where Niall's taking you the week after?" She asked as she put some of the rice on her plate.

"Literally no clue, could be anywhere! I know I need summer clothes, I suspect it's somewhere off my bucket list as he's trying to help me complete it."

"Get your list out and let me see." She asked.

You got out your notebook and opened it. "See you've ticked some things off you dirty bitch!" She said laughing.

You'd ticked the one about dirty hard sex against a wall and the hot soapy sex in the shower. You and Niall had done those now on more than one occasion.

"Ha! Yep I have." You laughed back.

"Ok, so process of elimination leaves with me with Bali, The Maldives, Santorini in Greece or Italian Rivera. I'm thinking Greece or Italy. The others are too far away for just a week I think."

"I'm happy with either, will be nice to go away together for the first time."

"You worried about the press?" She asked.

"A little, they haven't really hassled me as no one knows who I am. He's not said my name interviews and we've not had any contact via social media for anyone to pick up on. A few photos have appeared in the news but my face isn't clear."

The Bucket List - A Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now