Part 2

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You woke up on the Sunday morning feeling surprisingly refreshed considering how many drinks you'd had the night before. You'd left the pub late and walked back to your building with Katie and the lads. They were all staying at Niall and Willie's since they knew it would be a late one and the boys had football plans for the sunday. Katie had offered to come over and help organise the kitchen and unpack a few boxes with you if you promised her wine and Chinese food that evening. You'd laughed and agreed and found yourself inviting the lads over after football if they wanted. They were only heading to Wembley for the Chelsea game and it was an early kick off so they would be back in time for dinner.

You laid in your bed, the white cotton quilt wrapped around you thinking about last night. You'd had such a great night, hadn't laughed like that in ages. This move to London was exactly as you'd hoped. With no need to work you'd got yourself fit by joining the gym, swimming at least twice a week and going to the modern dance class where you'd met Katie. You had time for your music and to play golf.

You sighed thinking about how good it was sitting next to Niall last night, you could still smell him as if he were next to you right now. You were sitting so close to him on the bench, your legs touching, although he was a massive fidget and kept knocking his knees against yours. You laughed at the memory. He'd leaned in close when the band were playing so you could hear him as he talked to you. The conversation flowed and you'd flirted a little with him, joining in with the banter from the lads.

His solo career was doing amazing, and he'd got a lot of promo coming up with trips to Australia, Japan, Germany and LA. Deo had made a dig at him about his love life with Niall declaring that he didn't really have time for one. It made your heart sink as you knew that even if he had been attracted to you it would never happen. It didn't matter though, you were actually ok with being alone. You and Niall had so much in common that you hoped you two could be good friends.

You were cosy in your warm bed and you really couldn't be bothered to move but you are desperate for your coffee fix. You pulled back the covers, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed and walked out of the bedroom. You switched on the kettle and turned to your notebook sitting on the kitchen counter. The list of things that needed doing wasn't so bad, sorting out the kitchen, unpacking and organising your dad's vinyl collection and hanging your guitars up.

Once you'd made and drank your coffee you showered and changed, slipping on some denim shorts and a white t-shirt. Your wet hair you piled on top in a messy bun. You didn't bother with your contacts today choosing your glasses that you'd got new last month. Katie knocked on the door as you were leaving the bedroom, and you opened it to find her grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"You ok there lovely? Someone get laid this morning?!" You questioned.

"Ha! I did actually but that's not why I'm smiling!"

"Oh god didn't expect you to admit it, you dirty bitch!" You replied laughing away.

She laughed back and winked. You both had pretty dirty sense of humour and had become good friends when you realised how bad your language was. It was quite normal for you to swear a lot. She had truly brought you out of your shell and back to your old self since you'd been friends.

"So why are you smiling then?" You asked.

"Niall said he thought you were stunning when we got back last night." She said.

"Well I am, just look at me!" And you stretched out your arms and tilted your hips laughing.

"So, do you like him?" She questioned.

"He's a great guy, but I don't think it's going to happen babe. He made it clear he has no time for a girlfriend and to be honest I'm ok on my own."

"Yeah he is a busy guy, maybe you could just get a good fuck from him before he goes away."

"Katie! I'm not that kind of girl! And anyway I can look after myself thanks!" You replied with a wink.

That got her laughing.

You both made good progress with the unpacking and you did pretty good with the drill. You'd successfully hung four guitars and your banjo on the wall and they'd not fallen down. You were winning at this independence thing.

Katie left at 5 to go pick up beer, wine and the Chinese. Then she was going to pick up the lads from the tube so that they could help carry it up.

You finished the final bits of tidying as the doorbell rang. Opening it to find the lads and Katie there and the smell of the Chinese lingering.

"Annie!" They cheered.

"Wow, so who had too many beers at football today then?!" You laughed.

"Ah, only three each!" Replied Deo bringing you in for a hug.

When you had brought your 8 seater dining table you thought you were being silly and that you'd never use it. But here you were with 6 of you using it. The Chinese spread out across it and everyone dishing up their food. You got the lads a beer each and poured Katie and yourself a glass of wine before you took your seat next to Deo and opposite Niall.

You were starving and you piled your plate with Chinese. Tucking into the pork dumplings straight away.

"How was the game?" Asked Katie.

"Good, Chelsea beat spurs 2-1." Replied Willie. The lads then gave you a minute by minute report on it. You didn't really follow football much but knew the offside rule which Katie apparently didn't so you felt pleased with yourself.

The conversation flowed and the boys were laughing about what they'd got up to. Niall however looked at you and asked how your day had been. You told him the jobs you'd done and he said how great the apartment was. You offered to give him a tour after you'd eaten, which earned you an elbow in the ribs a wink and a smirk from Deo.

"Hey!" You said. "What was that for?"

"What?!" He replied laughing.

Cheeky fucker!

You all continued to eat and drink whist hearing about the football until you all sat back absolutely stuffed. You however got up and refilled yours and Katie's wine, grabbing some beer from the fridge to.

"Fancy giving me that tour now?" Niall asked you.

"Sure." You replied, grabbing your wine off the table and heading towards the living room.

"If you're not back out of that bedroom in ten minutes we will know you're up to something!!!" Deo said winking at you both.

You couldn't hide your blushes, neither could Niall.

"Fuck off!" Laughed Niall grabbing his beer and following you to the living room.

"Sorry about him!" He whispered behind you. But you just smiled and gestured that it was ok.

Niall was impressed with your skills at hanging your guitars and asked you when you were going to get them re stringed at the place he recommended. You hadn't thought about it yet but he said he was free Friday if you wanted to go with him. He wanted to check out the guitars the shop had anyway as he hadn't been there for a while.

You said you were free and that sounded great. He took his phone out of his pocket and asked you for your number so you could arrange a time and you could feel everyones eyes staring at you from the dining table as you gave him the digits.

You looked over Niall's shoulder and saw Deo give you a wink.

Deo really was a cheeky fucker.

The Bucket List - A Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now