Part 12

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You'd got back from golf on Wednesday at 2:30 and spent the next two hours in bed together, savouring every moment you had before he had to leave to finish packing for his trip. You'd laid there holding each other, staring at him while he spoke. You'd taken your time having sex, exploring each other knowing it would be a while before you saw each other again.

You'd had your dance class with Katie that night so that had been a distraction from Niall. Thursday had been busy to, you'd had swimming, food shopping and jobs around the apartment to do. You'd made a list of bits and pieces you needed to finish furnishing it and were trying to sort out your spare room.

Friday night you were playing at the pub so you headed over there in the afternoon and spent some time with your Pops filling up the snacks and drinks behind the bar.

"I like Niall." Your Pops said as you were both worked. "Such a nice young man, you wouldn't realise he's a famous singer, very down to earth."

"You only like him cause he's Irish and likes golf!" You said chuckling.

"Ha! Well??!!!" He said chuckling. "Look, I know I'm not your real Pops but I think of you as one of my own. Your Mam and I love you dearly. When you first came here over a year ago now we couldn't help but be protective knowing you were on your own with no parents. We just want you to be happy and we like Niall very much, I just wanted you to know that."

"Oh Pops, you soppy git." You said as you reached over and embraced him. "Thank you for being protective of me and for being an amazing Pops. I'm sure my parents are looking down on me and are happy I've got you, Mam and Michael."

"Just don't go falling in love and moving away with him!" He said. "Your Mam will go nuts!"

We both laughed. "Don't worry, I won't!" You said.

You carried on sorting the bar out and were joined by your Mam not long after. She'd brought over dinner from their house for you all to eat in the staff area out the back. Rachel one of the barmaids had just started her shift, so you and your Pops escaped out the back to eat. Since it was the summer she'd been slow cooking a ham all day and had prepared a salad and new potatoes to go with it. Your Pops grimaced at the lettuce he'd been given, but knew your Mam was just trying to keep him relatively healthy.

You loved these two with all your heart. Mary and Bob had been married 36 years and had moved to London 28 years ago when Michael was 5. They wanted a good school for him and better job prospects. They'd taken on The Charm in Putney over 18 years ago and were well known and liked. They did charity nights, quiz nights and loved having live music. They always opened up on Christmas day for a couple of hours, welcoming in everyone for a pint and a mince pie. You absolutely adored them.

You often felt sadness at the loss of your own parents, but knew you'd always be supported by Mary and Bob. They were not interested in your money, always refusing your offer to help. So you often worked behind the bar to save them some wages being paid out and you liked to take them golfing and for lunch. You paid for trips to the theatre for them but they always hated accepting. Far too proud and Irish for handouts.

After you'd eaten, you headed out to the bar to find James and the lads setting up.

"Hi Annie!" James shouted across the bar. "You ok?"

"Yes mate, you?"

You and the lads chatted for a bit as you helped them set up. James had asked you to play banjo on a song by Mumford and Sons that they were planning on singing. It was one of your favourites and you knew the part so happily agreed. You also said you'd play the piano for Ophelia as that proved a popular one when you'd played it a few weeks ago.

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