Part 18

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You arrived late back Saturday night, falling into bed and snuggling in to each other, falling asleep almost straight away.

You started the Sunday morning unpacking and sorting through washing. "You need me to wash anything babe?" You called out to him.

He was sitting on the sofa watching golf and playing Gloria your guitar. He was in his own little world. He looked relaxed sitting there in his black boxers and white t-shirt. He'd got a gorgeous tan these past two weeks while you'd been away and you'd already had a peak at his tan lines.

"What was that Annie?" He replied putting your guitar down and strolling into the kitchen.

"I just wondered if you needed me to run anything through the wash? I'm just putting some whites in the machine now." You asked looking at him.

He looked confused. "What?" He asked.

"I'm putting some clothes in the wash do you need me to wash anything for you?" You repeated.

He still looked confused.

"Niall, are you ok?"

"You want to do my washing?" He asked almost stammering.

"Not really, I don't really want to do my own but I'm putting the machine on and I've only got a half load so thought you might want to chuck your stuff in to. But clearly you are freaked out!" You said laughing.

"I'm not freaked out."

"Yes you are! I just asked about chucking some t-shirts in to wash, I didn't ask you to have babies with me!" You said still laughing.

You stopped laughing when you saw his expression. He was clearly spooked by your actions.

"Babe I'm sorry, forget I asked." You said turning to close the machine.

"No wait, thanks, I've got some t-shirts and stuff, if you don't mind?"

"I wouldn't have offered." You replied.

Jeez you had totally freaked him out.

He went off to get his washing and you carried on doing some jobs. The fridge was empty so you needed to go the super market so started making a list. You flicked on the kettle and started singing away to the radio whilst you stuck your head in the fridge to see what you needed, you didn't have a lot in there so it was easy.

Niall returned 5 minutes later with some clothes, you took them from his still scared shitless face and put them in the machine, you added the detergent and switched it on. You returned to your list but could feel him staring at you. You looked up to find him fidgeting on the spot, looking like he wanted to say something.

You raised an eyebrows "Yes?" You said.

He thought for a second. "I'm sorry for freaking out."

"No worries, I knew you were, you looked like you'd shit yourself!" You said smirking. "I'm sorry for asking about your washing."

He just continued to stare, you didn't think the conversation was going anywhere so looked down to your list.

"This, us is just crazy." He said.

Fuck! You looked up at him again. You were getting good at reading him but you had no idea where he was going with this. You nervously bit your lip. You had no idea what to say.

"I've not done this before." He continued. "You know, domesticated stuff, washing, shopping with anyone before." He pointed at your list. "I've never even had a key to someone's apartment before."

The Bucket List - A Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now