Part 7

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You were woken the next morning by an alarm. Niall's warm strong arms were wrapped around you. He woke up with a moan and leant over to turn the alarm on his phone off.

"I don't want to go, too comfy with you." He said snuggling into you.

"Mmm this does feel good." You replied, feeling his morning hard on digging into your thigh as he spooned you. You wiggled your bum and he let out a growl.

"Don't tease." he said. "I'm getting picked up in an hour, I have to go. Go back to sleep baby it's early."

He kissed your neck and your shoulders not yet leaving your bed. You could tell he didn't want to leave you there on your own.

"You back Sunday night?" You asked.

"Mmm yes." He replied, still trailing kisses down your body.

"Come over, bring an overnight bag with you and we can spend all of Monday in bed."

"God that sounds good. Fuck........ I need to go now otherwise I'll never go." He said getting out of bed.

You watched him walk naked around your room trying to find his discarded clothes from the night before.

He was gorgeous.

Once dressed he came over to you and leant down.

"See you on Sunday beautiful." He whispered and then he kissed you softly on the lips.

"Mmmmm see you then." You replied, before you fell back to sleep.

You woke a couple of hours later, your bed felt empty. You hated it. You missed him already. You turned over to the side he'd been sleeping, you could smell his sweet scent on the pillow. The memory of last night still in the front of your mind. God he was amazing.

You had a busy weekend planned, so hopefully that would take your mind off him. You were playing at the pub tonight and you were meeting Katie, Willie and some others after. You'd also got a shift at the pub to cover Saturday as someone was off, so you'd told your Mam you'd help out. Then your Mam was doing dinner Sunday afternoon. This was sure to help with the emptiness you felt.

You got up and decided to shower and get dressed before sorting breakfast. You'd been in your apartment officially for 2 weeks now. It was already feeling a lot like home. You'd got the keys 6 weeks ago but had spent time soundproofing it for when you played your music and making sure it was all decorated how you wanted it. Your bedroom was done in whites and greens and the living/diner/kitchen area was soft grey's and pale pinks.

You'd loved this place the first time you'd seen it. With no budget constraints due to your lottery win, the only things you'd specified were good security at the entrance, parking and a good location to get to shops, pubs etc. You also didn't want to be too far from your Mam and Pops and this place was convenient but expensive. £5 million you'd spent, seemed fucking crazy but it hardly made a dent in your account. You'd spent a lot on furniture and decorating costs to. Considering your annual salary at your old job was just £25k having money like this now was bizarre. You hadn't really spent much of it being frivolous. Yes you'd brought the apartment, furniture and a car but nothing else major. You'd never been extravagant before with clothes and stuff so why start now. It just wasn't you. You knew that fulfilling your bucket list and travelling was going to cost you though.

Being at the pub that night with Katie, Willie, Deo and the others just felt weird without Niall. You were having a great laugh though. Niall had mentioned to the lads that you two were seeing each other, which once again got some cheeky comments from Deo.

"Knew that would happen!" He said. "I called it as soon as you walked in the pub that night you two met. He couldn't keep his eyes off you whilst you were over behind the bar chatting to your Pops."

You blushed not knowing what to say.

"Then when you started playing the piano I thought he was going to have a heart attack! Ha! The best bit though was when you started talking about golf with your Pops! Surprised he's not asked you to marry him yet!" He said howling with laughter.

"Shut up Deo! You're embarrassing the lad and he's not here to defend himself!" Said Willie smirking.

Katie was in hysterics. "No I take full credit actually! I specifically brought you all in here to listen to Annie play and so that her and Niall could meet."

"I'm confused as in to why we've never been in here before." Said Willie. "The Guinness almost tastes as good as in Ireland."

"That'll be my Pops." You said. "A proper Irishman pulling the pint! I'll be pulling them tomorrow though. I'm working 12 till finish."

"Well, you're almost Irish!" Laughed Katie.

"Almost! If my Mam could adopt me like she wants it'd be official!" You said laughing.

"Your Mam adores you doesn't she?" Willie said.

"I adore her to." You replied looking over at her where she stood behind the bar. "I've learnt to be very independent on my own having no parents, but its nice to be in a family again. My Mam couldn't have anymore kids after Michael, so with me and Michaels wife Claire she's got two more. They don't ask for anything from me, even though I can give them anything they want. That's why I help out in the pub when they need it and take them golfing and out to lunch. Michael and Claire wouldn't let me give them money towards their wedding so I got them their honeymoon as a present instead."

"Annie, I'm very drunk and very Irish so excuse my bluntness but are you rich?" Questioned Deo.

"Define rich? I'm rich with family, friends, love and money." You answered laughing.

"Sounds like a perfect combination!" He replied. "Lets drink to that!"

You headed back to Willie and Niall's apartment to carry on drinking after the pub called time. You hadn't been to theirs before and it felt weird being there without Niall. This was his home and he wasn't there. He text you just as you arrived asking you if you were still at the pub. You told him you were at his with everyone. He said he was jealous he wasn't with you all and that he was off to bed as he had an early tee time in the morning. He finished his message by saying that he couldn't wait till Monday. You smiled and had replied that you couldn't either.

You were all sitting on the large L shaped sofa, laughing when Deo put on the music channels. 80s and 90s classics. You and Katie were singing your hearts out to the tunes when Whitney Houston came on. You and Katie started your duet to I have nothing. Deo filming you on his phone. You hit the high notes and sang in tune even though you were both proper tipsy!

"How the fuck can she hit the high notes when they're pissed as anything?" He said laughing. "Jesus!"

You and Katie were getting into it now, singing into your beer bottles. The lads all laughing at you both. When the song ended you put down your empty beer bottle and said you were going home. You couldn't drink anymore and you'd got work tomorrow.

"Oh come on Annie! Stay!" Deo pleaded.

"No I'm off." You replied.

You gave everyone a hug goodbye and left. The convenience of living in the same building was great as you literally just jumped in the lift and pressed the button to the top floor and soon enough you were home.

You changed for bed and fell asleep quickly.

The Bucket List - A Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now