Part 19

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Your shopping list was irrelevant now you were going to L.A. on Tuesday. You would only need a few groceries to last you the two days. At Niall's insistence he had accompanied you to the supermarket, even pushing the trolley.

"Are you around for dinner the next few nights?" You asked.

"Yes, if that's ok?" He asked.

"Of course, I'm just trying to decide what I need to buy."

He came over to where you were standing and placed his arm around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder for a second, before leaving a kiss across your bare skin.

"How about I cook tonight and you cook tomorrow?" He suggested seeing you deep in thought.

"Ok, that sounds good."

You both added things to the trolley and then made your way to the check out, it was a busy Sunday morning and the place was packed. The checkout girl was only about 18 and you knew she recognised him straight away. He may have been wearing a cap to try and slightly disguise himself but his beautiful blue eyes and thick Irish accent gave him away straight away.

She fumbled a couple of times while trying to scan all your items and tried not to make eye contact with Niall who was packing the shopping. You reached for your purse to pay for the shopping, giving Niall a don't fucking dare try to pay look. He smirked at you and placed the last of the bags in the trolley. You thanked the checkout girl and headed towards the exit.

"I like the way people swoon over you." You whispered. "Even more when I think about how I was the one with your cock in my mouth an hour ago."

"Jesus Annie." He whispered back. "Going to get fucking hard again just thinking about it."

You smirked as you unlocked your car and you both put the bags in the boot.

You got in the drivers seat while Niall went and put the trolley back. He kissed you full on and hard as soon as the door closed.

"Fucking love it when you talk dirty to me." He moaned.

"I know you do." You moaned back.

"Hey shall we go to the pub this afternoon and see your Mam and Pops?" He asked as you headed home.

"Yeah I need to, might not get another chance before Tuesday night. Text Willie and see if him and katie can come to."

Willie and Katie didn't turn down an offer of an afternoon in the pub garden that afternoon and said they'd meet you there as they were at Katie's parents for lunch.

You'd gone back to yours and unpacked the shopping, Niall had got some more washing in the machine while you smiled as you transferred the wet load to the clothes airer and placed it on the balcony to dry. Something very satisfying about seeing your clothes together like that, even if it had initially freaked out Niall. You ate a quick lunch before heading to the pub.

You walked in the pub and spotted your Pops behind the bar pulling a pint.

"Hey Pops!" You said as he finished serving the customer. You went behind the bar giving him a massive hug as he kissed the top of your head.

"Baby girl, you have a good trip?" He reached out to shake Niall's hand as he stood by the edge of the bar.

"Was great thanks Pops, where's Mam?"

"Out the back collecting glasses." He replied. "Niall son, was she well behaved or a pain in the backside?!" He laughed.

"She was ok, think I'll keep her!" He laughed back.

The Bucket List - A Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now