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Hey, haven't heard from you for a while... wanted to know how everything was going...

Hi. Thanks for catching up... I don't know man everything is just fucked up now. The girls were fine just 2 weeks ago and then all of a sudden they wouldn't stop crying. The doctors don't know what's happening... Harry I'm so scared...

Z, it's going to be alright. They're in good hands. The doctors in New York are some of the best doctors in the entire world ! Don't worry !

You don't understand 😭. These two girls are the only real thing I have in my life. I know that they appeared out of nowhere but they mean the world to me. I don't know what I would do if I lost them tomorrow. I just can't loose them too...

And you won't ! You've got to keep faith ! Babies can feel when they're parents are not okay... so please be strong in front of them ! Gigi and you gotta be strong.

Huh, Gigi is barely here these days... Since the girls got put in the hospital she barely speaks to me.. she's always on the phone whispering stuff to god knows who. And everything we speak she looks stressed and remorseful... I don't get her.. I just wish you were here. I know it's selfish but I really want you here.

I can't Z... Louis is going through some stuff too and he needs me here.... but know that I'm phone call away...

Yeah... gotta go the doctors are coming.

See you :)

I love you...
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I love you...
Not sent

Hiiii ! Some Zarry fluff !

So I was wondering... what the two small twin babies could have as a disease ( needs to be kinda serious but not too much ) If you have any ideas I'm happy to read them !

1. Do you think Gigi is starting to feel guilty ?

2. Should Harry leave Louis to join Zayn ? And support him ?

3. Favorite MITAM song ?

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