Ponies part 1

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(Everyone has logged on)

Danny: Why does someone always have to change us into animals?!

PG: at least I installed the animal translator and microphone

Mike: Hehe you mean 'Mike'rophone

PG: I will throw you in the Nightmare Room!

(Shadow has logged on)

Charles: that's impossible! I killed you!

Shadow: you can't kill nightmares you moron!

(Nightmares have logged on)

Sith: Shadow behave, we don't want to anger Puppet!

Jere: aww can't we kill just one of them?

Mace: Jere knock it off

Mary: I'm sorry if we caused you any trouble, let's go before Richy wakes up, we need to wind up his music box or he'll go on a murder spree

(Nightmares have logged off)

Danny: *accidentally kicks Richard with his hind hooves* oops sorry Richard, I'm still getting the hang of these hooves *trips over his hooves falling to the ground* ow that hurt! I don't want to be a pony anymore!

PG: woah, ah this is very difficult *trips causing him to slam face first into a wall* probably doesn't help that my sides still hurt from when we were cats and Mike a dog! *struggles to stand up* ugh, I'm just going to lie here! Please don't trip on me

Danny: *starts to get the hang of being a pony* look I'm standing, hehe still can't move without tripping

Seth: *has already got the hang of being a pony* it's not that hard! *rams Danny causing him to trip over PG and crash into a wall* hahaha

Danny: Ow, Seth! *his head is stuck in the wall* William!? Help! My head is stuck in the wall! Ow ow *tries to pull his head free* hello, guys? Is anyone there? William?! Seth?! Anyone?! Hello!

William: Um Danny, where are you?

Danny: I don't know! My head is stuck in a fucking wall! I can't see anything! *whimpers* Seth, where did you go?

Seth: Hehe, I headed home. See you tomorrow

(Seth has logged off)

William: Uh I have to go, I'm sorry Danny. I'll find you as soon as I can

(William has logged off)

Danny: Wait! Are you just going to leave me here, all alone?!

(Everyone except Danny has logged off)

Danny: Guys?!

12:00 am

Danny: Hello, is anyone there?

Danny: *whimpers* William?

1:00 am

Danny: Eek, who touched my tail?

Danny: Is someone there *whimpers in fear* this isn't funny!

2:00 am

Danny: Chica, Foxy, Freddy, Bonnie?! Anyone?! *starts crying* please someone help me!

3:00 am

Danny: *Crying hysterically* I can't believe they really left me all alone! William?

Danny: Ok who's touching my tail?! I'm serious!

4:00 am

Danny: *starts to lose his mind* hahaha, I can't believe you betrayed me!

5:00 am

Danny: *Starts to give up hope* I can't take much more of this!

Danny: *Hyperventilates* W-William?

5:30 am

Danny: *Starts to breathe heavily* hehe, just have to wait theres only 5 hours and 30 minutes till opening time! *starts having a panic attack* WILLIAM!

6:00 am

Danny: *Heart rate speeds up* please William, help me!

7:00 am

Danny: *Has long since lost consciousness* ...

8:00 am

Danny: ...

9:00 am

Danny: *starts to wake up* ugh, William? *memories return* FUCK!

9:30 am

Danny: *abandons all hope*

(Richy has logged on)

Richy: aww poor thing, hehe aren't you adorable. Hmm maybe you can help me?

Danny: no! You're nightmare Richard, stay away from me! *struggles to get his head free* no, don't touch me!

Richy: Oh come on, I need to relieve my sexual urges

Danny: *struggles more* only William can do that to me!

10:00 am

Richy: too bad William isn't here *digs his claws into the base of Danny's tail* pony or not you're mine now!

(William has logged on)

William: Grrr get your hands off my boyfriend!

Richy: make me *moves his hand lower on Danny's rump* hmm I wonder how good it would feel to be inside of you?

William: *Rears up on his front legs and kicks Richy in the chest as hard as he can* DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH MY DANNY, YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!

Richy: Ow, ok jeez *runs away now terrified of William*

(Richy has logged off)

William: You ok Danny? I'm sorry that I left you alone for so long, I became extremely tired last night. I wasn't feeling well, but I'm here now. *pulls Danny free* come on, let's go watch a movie

(Danny and William have logged off)

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