Swapping Partners part 5(William)

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(William and Doll have logged on)

William: Did you hear?!

Doll: hear what?

William: Nightingale attacked Mike and Danny earlier this morning!

Doll: WHAT?!

William: Danny saved Mike's life by hitting Nightingale over the head with a baseball bat knocking her unconscious!

Doll: odd, Nightingale and Shadow attacked Richard and Vincent! Nightingale and Jack attacked PG and Scott! O.O do you think they will attack us?!

William: they attacked the others so ya!

(Wolfy has logged on)

William: Oh it's Wolfy

Wolfy: *wags his tail* Danny asked me to come check on you William!

(Denny has logged on)

Wolfy: Denny!

Denny: hi, Mike sent me to check on Doll. He was concerned that Nightingale would attack you too.

(Nightingale and Mace have logged on)

Denny: oh no it's Mace!

(Denny has logged off)

Wolfy: No, they hurt Denny!

Mace: get out before I snap your boyfriend's neck!

(Wolfy has logged off)

William: *stands in front of Doll* I won't let you hurt Doll!

Mace: *reveals that he has Danny and Mike* is that so!

(Mike and Danny have logged on)

Mike: No! Don't let him hurt Doll!

William: *whimpers* what if we made a trade!?

Nightingale: we're listening

William: I know you're trying to revenge on Scott for getting you in trouble with Puppet! What if a gave you the one thing Scott truly cares about!?

Mace: ???

William: I give you Vincent and you release Mike and Danny

Nightingale: deal!

(William has invited Vincent)

(Vincent has logged on)

Vincent: Why did you invite me on?

William: I'm sorry Vincent

Vincent: for what? *looks at the two nightmares* O.O

Nightingale: *releases Mike and Danny then grabs Vincent* pleasure doing business with you William

Vincent: *whimpers* you betrayed me!

Nightingale: *disappears into the shadows with Vincent*

(Vincent, Nightingale and Mace have logged off)

Mike: Scott is going to be so mad when he realizes what you did!

William: No, Nightingale is going to be pissed when she realizes I tricked her! Vincent is wearing a special collar that emits a very bright light if he is in trouble, he knows this so he will be prepared for it.

Doll: you planned for this to happen?

William: Ya, I saw Nightingale take Mike and Danny while they were sleeping so I knew they would use them to get to you figuring I would give you up to save Danny.

Danny: *shakes in fear* I don't want to do this anymore! I want to be back with William! *whimpers*

(Shabonnie has logged on)

Shabonnie: aww it's ok, you can switch back if you want to

William: *cuddles Danny* Mine! Come on let's go watch a movie

Danny: Ok

(William and Danny have logged off)

Mike: *pulls Doll close to him* come on let's go get Jeremy and head home

(Mike and Doll have logged off)

Shabonnie: I should get back to Jason

(Shabonnie has logged off)

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