Giant Clam

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(Everyone except Danny and Richard have logged on)

William: Has anyone seen Danny, he went on a diving trip with Richard 2 days ago and were supposed to have returned today but neither returned!

(Richard has logged on)

William: Where's Danny?

Richard: uh we're kinda trapped at the bottom of the ocean! Luckily I brought my waterproof iPad

William: Is Danny ok?

Richard: Hehe about being trapped at the bottom of the ocean, I kinda left out the fact that Danny is trapped inside a giant clam! I'm outside the clam, I don't know if Danny is ok

William: How did that happen?

Richard: Danny wanted the pearl inside the clam but then it shut on him and now I don't know how to get him out!

(Danny has logged on)

Danny: Well hurry up and find a way to open the clam! I don't have much oxygen left!

Richard: What happened to your oxygen tank? You should have an hour of oxygen left on it!

Danny: It broke when the clam closed! *panics* I'm starting to get lightheaded!

Richard: calm down Danny, you'll only use up your oxygen faster if you panic!

Danny: *gasps for air* please help me, I can't breathe! *starts to lose consciousness* it probably doesn't help that I'm having a panic attack! *tries to slow his breathing*

William: Danny!?

Danny: *slides down the wall of the clam* I won't last much longer *breathing becomes shallow* help

Richard: I don't know what to do! *tries to forcefully open the clam* it won't open!

Mike: Did you try giving it food? Clams only open to feed.

Richard: I can try *places some kelp on the clam near it's mouth*

Danny: *swims out once the clam opens* I maybe out of the clam but I won't make it to the surface before I drown!

PG: Danny!

Danny: *whimpers* I'm in the same position you were but it's too late for me! *gasps causing water to enter his lungs*

William: Danny!

Richard: *grabs Danny swimming quickly to the surface* hang on *breaks the surface dragging Danny to shore* he's not breathing!

Mike: weren't you trained how to perform CPR!?

Richard: Yes! *performs CPR on Danny* come on Danny, breath

Danny: *coughs up water* ugh, I think I'm going to avoid water for awhile.

William: *whimpers* I thought I would lose you!

Seth: are you kidding! Daniel has outsmarted death too many times!

Danny: Ya so, what's your point?!

Seth: your luck will eventually run out and when it does I hope you suffer a slow and painful death!

Vincent: Seth!

(Seth has logged off)

Vincent: I don't know what is wrong with my brother but he needs to stop it! He's gotten more aggressive, he attacked me last night!

William: What!? But you're his little brother, his only brother!

Vincent: he used to be overprotective of me but now he abuses me *whimpers* I'm terrified of my own brother! *cries* I miss the old Seth!

Scott: *comforts Vincent* I'm sorry Vincent, is there anything I can do to make you feel better?

Vincent: *hugs Scott crying into his shoulder* promise me you'll never hurt or abandon me.

Scott: I promise Vincent *gently pets Vincent's head* it's ok, I'm here for you *sings a lullaby*

Vincent: *falls asleep in Scott's arms*

Scott: *carries Vincent off to his room* good night

Everyone except Scott and Vincent: good night Scott, Vincent

(Vincent and Scott have logged off)

Danny: I'm glad Vincent has someone like Scott, I don't understand how Seth could hurt his brother! They used to be close.

Richard: I don't mean for this to sound rude but it's your fault Danny.

Danny: How?

Richard: you've become friends with Vincent and Seth doesn't like that so he takes his anger out on his little brother.

PG: you don't understand how important something is until you lose it. If Seth keeps abusing his brother then Vincent will leave him and Seth will finally realize what he's done but by then it will be too late.

Mike: I couldn't imagine ever hurting my family like Seth! I feel bad for Vincent, he doesn't deserve this.

William: Ya

Danny: I'll see you tomorrow, good night

(William and Danny have logged off)

Jeremy: Seth doesn't deserve to have a brother as great as Vincent!

Mike: Ya, You'd be a better brother to Vincent than Seth would.

Doll: we should go, it's getting late

(Everyone has logged off)

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