A Perfect Team

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(Everyone except Danny have logged on)

Mike: is Danny feeling any better?

Mangle: Ya, he doesn't have a fever anymore but he still has chills and nightmares, although they are not as bad since DarkFox left. He should be back to his old self in about a week.

William: I miss having Danny with me. *whimpers* I'm miserable without him!

Mangle: I would suggest you stay with us but Violet, one of the children you killed possesses Foxy. She likes Danny though, she always says he's too good for you.

William: A lot of people say that. It's not going to stop us.

Richard: you're the reason people hate Danny! Everyone used to love him but then he started dating a child murderer! You tainted him with your evil presence near him!

William: Um Danny is now glaring at you and he's kinda scaring me!

(Danny has logged on)

Danny: *glares at Richard with his one visible eye glowing pure red and letting out a deep growl before a knife flies at Richard nearly hitting him* grrr

Richard: *yelps realising what just happened* WTF I don't think his illness weakened him at all! He threw a fucking knife at me! Jeez I'm sorry I offended you!

Danny: *eye returns to it's normal pure black* quit questioning my life choices you jerk! You're lucky I can only see out of one eye otherwise I would not have missed! Now I'm going to go back to sleep but don't think that means you can continue to insult my boyfriend! I hear everything! *fixes his nest of blankets before falling asleep*

(Danny has logged off)

Richard: Hehe I'm just going to go, bye!

(Richard has logged off)

Foxy: come on Mangle, we should get some sleep as well. The pizzeria is about to open and we are not supposed to be seen.

(Foxy and Mangle have logged off)

(Everyone else has logged off)

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