Chapter 1: Island

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Luffy and Nami have found their feelings for each other. (Mostly just Nami.) Now their adventure continues as they approach the next island, what challenges will try to separate their love apart?

Nami's POV:

'Luffy hugged me?! I must be hallucinating or maybe dreaming.' That's what I thought after Luffy hugged me and asked me that question.

"Do you really know what love is Luffy?" I told myself imagining I was asking Luffy that.

Luffy's POV:

Me, Usopp, and Chopper jumped up and down on the ship when we saw the new island. It was so big!

"I wonder what kind of treasure we'll get." Usopp said.

And as usual whenever Nami hears that word she will rush in and push Usopp out off the way and say "Treasure?!" with her sparkling eyes (literally). I find it kind of cute but, who cares about what I say?

When we reached the island I jumped down the ship and already and I didn't wait for the ladder to come down. But when I got down, I saw the people, probably the whole townsfolk are there. They have pitchforks, torches, planks, and knives. 

When the rest of the crew got down I asked, "Guys? Why are they holding weapons?"

"Pirates!" I heard a villager shout.

"Pirates aren't welcome here!" Another villager shouted.

"Wait, we're not here to hurt you." I tried to explain.

"Lies! Why would we believe a pirate?! All of you are liars!" Another villager shouted.

"Trust us. This idiot of a captain can't lie even if he wanted to." Sanji said.

"DIIIEE!!" Then a man, probably as old as me, charged in and hit me with a plank.

But I raised my head and showed no sign of pain. That's because I'm rubber.

"No way! That didn't make him flinch?"

"Like I said we're not here to hurt you." I tried explaining once more.

But more villagers charged in with their planks and hit me but it only ended up with them being exhausted.

"Are you guys done?" I asked.

"Why can't we hurt you?"

"Hm? Oh, that's because I'm rubber." I said as I stretched my mouth.

All of them widened their eyes and their jaws dropped to the ground. 

Then they ran away saying, "MONSTER!!"

"Well that hurt." I said.

Narrator's POV:

All the villagers ran into town, frightened. They all rested in the town's bar.

"Who was he?"

"He's a pirate and a monster!"

"He'll haunt us all!"

"Don't be fooled!" A stranger said to the villagers. "If he wanted to hurt you he would've done it by now." The stranger pulled a wanted poster of Luffy.

"5-5-500,000,000 beli?!?!" The villagers shouted in awe.

"There's more where that came from." The stranger pulled the wanted poster of the rest of the Straw Hat Crew.

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