Chapter 10: 143

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Luffy's POV:

It had been 2 weeks since the festival and the night before March. I couldn't sleep very well, on my hammock because of these 2 things...

1. The old man's advice or threat


I sat straight up from my hammock and thought about what that old man said to me...


"You need to tell that girl how you feel..."

" 'Cause in time, you won't be able to."

Flashback ends...

At first I didn't put much thought into it but as the days go by I started to feel pain in my chest and I couldn't figure out why. So I looked on the calendar in our room and everything is crossed out.

So I ripped of the March date and I said, "Only four months to go guys..."

Somehow I felt a little sad, maybe because it has been a while since we called an island, home. I looked at the calendar and flipped the pages to see what date we depart and there was a specific date in which it made my eyes widen and open my mouth.

I decided to go out of the room to get a piece of paper and a pencil. I tipped-toed out of my room and looked where to get a piece of papaer. I looked straight at Nami's room and went there silently. I opened the door and it let a huge creaking noise, I closed my eyes hoping Nami didn't hear it. Good thing she was sound asleep. I looked at her table and luckily she had a spare paper and pencil. I wrote the date to remind me of it and after I wrote it, I grabbed the hat from my head and put the folded paper on the red strap on it.

I went back to the men's quarters in a hurry and I heard, "Luffy-san?"

It made me freeze and I looked at who called me and it was just Robin. I let out a huge relief.

"What are you doing out here?" Robin asked.

"I should be asking you that." I said.

"It's my turn to watch the ship." She said.

"Oh. I just went for a quick snack." I lied.

"No you didn't. You went for Nami's room, I was watching from the crow's nest." She said. "And even if you did go to the kitchen the fridge would be locked." She added.

'Sneaky woman.' I thought.

I started to sweat bullets and I stuttered and I started muttering, "W-well you see, I-I-."

Then an arm appeared on my left arm and grabbed the folded paper on the red strap of my hat.

"Hey!" I said.

Robin unfolded the paper and read what I wrote on it.

"So you know it too." Robin looked at me.

I looked a little embarrassed and I said, "W-well it only happens once a year and you know how forgettable I can be."

Robin handed me the paper and she put her hand on my shoulder and she said, "Luffy-san, you don't need a paper to remind you of it. You can't forget things like these, because you love her."

I looked at Robin and I was in awe by what she said.

"Well, I better get back up and watch." She said as she climbed back up the crow's nest.

After she climbed up, I kept looking at the paper thinking of what Robin said, I didn't know what to do with it...

Next Day...

Nami's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes with force, I wish I could spend another day sleeping but it's New Year. So I sat up feeling tired with my messed up hair all over my face, and I stretched my arms and legs and I felt more energetic. I looked at my mirror and I look so funny my hair was basically all over the place. I went straight to the bathroom for a bath to freshen up myself.

Some time later...

After I have taken a bath I wore a blue shirt, with white jeans, and sandals. I looked at the calendar and I ripped out the Febuary page of the calendar and it showed the March paper instead.

I started to worry and I said, "Will they still remember the day?"

"Breakfast is ready!" I heard Sanji shout.

I erased that thought in my mind and walked to the kitchen. When I walked to the lawn Luffy was still there, sitting beside the railing and looking at a piece of paper. Normally he would have raced to the kitchen and be the first one to eat, but he is sitting.

'Is he thinking about something?' I thought the impossible.

I walked to Luffy and I asked him, "Breakfast is ready."

I seemed to have snapped back into reality and he said, "Hm?"

I giggled to his idiotic look and I repeated, "Breakfast is ready."

"Really?! When?!" He ran to the kitchen.

After some time...

Everyone was almost done eating, but what bothered me is that Luffy only had one plate of food.

I started worrying about him and I asked, "Luffy, are you okay?"

He looked at me, confused, and he said, "Yeah. Why?"

"You only had one plate."

"Hm? Oh, it's nothing." Luffy said.

But he suddenly had his hand on his chest and it started to worry me.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him.

"I'm going to the town for a while, to gather supplies." Usopp said as he opens the door out of the kitchen.

"Wait, Usopp! Maybe later Nami." Luffy said as he went outside with Usopp.

I blinked twice to see what was that about.

Luffy's POV:

After me and Usopp went out of the kitchen I asked him if I could asked for advice.

"Can I ask you some advice?"

"Sure we're best friends."

"Thanks. There was this villager, and he asked me if there was someway to tell a girl how you feel. Without being direct, he meant." I said, a little embarrassed.

Usopp put his hand on his chin and started thinking.

Some time later her snapped his fingers and said, "I got it."

"What?!" I said jumping up and down.

"Back at my village, me and Kaya developed some kind of code, I think. In which we would use numbers to represent how many letters there are in a word."

I catched about half of that until my brain started smoking.

"I don't get it." I said.

"Let's see... We use numbers to represent how many letters there are in a word. For example:




That kind of things..."

When Usopp finished explaining I started to understand more.



"How many letters there are in... 'love'?"

A Kiss: A Luffy x Nami FanficWhere stories live. Discover now