Chapter 3: Luffy's Day

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Luffy and Nami spend the evening on the ship's deck and the whole crew saw it blah blah blah...

Nami's POV:

When the little 'incident' ended me and the whole crew started to eat breakfast. While waiting for the food the whole crew seem to look at me and Luffy more often.

"So are you two a couple now?" Usopp bursted.

I saw a tick appeared on Sanji's head.

"No." I replied.

"Nami just had trouble sleeping." Luffy cuts in.

"Breakfast is ready.💢" Sanji said while forcing a smile.

He handed our food except for Luffy.

"Why didn't I get one?!" Luffy complained.

"You know why." Sanji said.

"Why?!" Luffy asked.

All of us stared at him, he really is an idiot.

Luffy is now hangry. (hungry and angry, well you know that.)

He stormed out the kitchen yelling he'll just eat on a restaurant.

"Does he even have any money to buy food?" Franky said.

"Hey. Peverted Cook, our captain was hungry." Zoro said, while drinking sake.

"I'm not giving him any food. After what he did to Nami-swan." Sanji said angrily.

"For God's sakes Sanji! I had trouble sleeping and Luffy helped me!" I shouted. And I stormed out of the kitchen to look for Luffy.

"I thought you're supposed to cook for people who are hungry?" Zoro said mocking Sanji.

"Yeah that was kinda cold Sanji." Usopp said.

"He's an exception." Sanji replied.

Luffy's POV:

After I stormed out of the ship I realized that I don't have any money to buy food. I kept asking the people where to get cheap food but they kept on hiding from me. I was on the verge of giving up but I saw a path and the path smelled like fruits, but most importantly, tangerines. I looked at the path, it lead through the forest. 

I said, "Maybe it couldn't hurt to bring Nami some tangerines."

I followed the path that leads to the forest it's quite a long path. But when I reached the end of it I saw the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. I was on a cliff and I saw the other half of the island. Being snapped back to reality I saw a house with an old lady and a young girl playing. I looked at the fruits around them they grow all varieties of fruits. It smelled sweet.

I walked towards them and I asked, "Excuse me. Is this where the townsfolk get their fruits?"

The old lady said, "If they wanna keep be healthy. Hahaha."

The little girl said, "Hello there, my name's Lala."

"I'm-" I was cut by the girl.

"I know, you're Monkey D. Luffy the pirate who is staying on this island for 5 months. Don't worry we're not like 'em we have good relationships with good pirates, like you."

"Lala, you're manners." The old lady said.

"Sorry, granny Sho." Lala apologized.

"It's okay. I'm used to it." I said.

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