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In the first book, Luffy had nightmares about Ace and Nami decided to help him, in doing so, Luffy lashed out her and ended up worse. Luckily that was short-lived until Luffy and Nami decided to make-up and be friends again, along the way Nami had discovered her feelings for Luffy, with some complications, more specifically, a storm, Luffy and Nami are bound to an island and was rescued by Sabo and managed to reunite with the crew.

In the second book,(the book you're reading) the Straw Hat Pirates were docked on an island, met with some angered villagers that hate pirates, other than an old lady, named Sho, and her grandkids Lala(younger sister) and Nakiri(elder sister). In the midst of all of this they have to wait 5 months for the log pose to reset. Finding something to do for fun, Luffy met Sho because of Luffy's kindness, Lala decided to gift him with a rose that seemed to die at one moment and the next it bloomed again, a strange object it is. Finding no use for the rose, Luffy gave to Nami, without knowing why. The turning point emerges when the Marines decided to lay fire on the island, to cover more ground the Straw Hats split up, Luffy took Nami and Sanji with him to see the one responsible for the attack. What they found was an abusive Marine Captain babbling something about a rose, enraged Luffy decided to run ahead and punch the captain, but the captain had a trick up his sleeve, and he fired a bullet made from Sea Stones. In turn it hit Luffy straight through the chest, alarming Sanji he knocked the captain out. Nami was the one who was most devastated.

Seemingly, Luffy's soul is dragged into a world between the mortal world and the afterlife, there he met his late brother, Ace, but sadly, he had to say his goodbyes as he was pushed away by Ace, in order for Luffy to return back to his crew and fulfill his dream.

Luffy came back, and the villagers held a festival in order to celebrate the revival of their savior. Luffy was asked out by Nakiri, which dealt a possible deathblow to Nami. Luffy ditched Nakiri and instead tried to eat food, but couldn't, without a reason he went and dragged Nami to the dance floor. There, they danced and did something that would be imprinted in their lips forever. At first Nami, didn't take it too well and just assumed, Luffy did it on pure instinct, boy was she wrong. Near the end, of the festival Luffy encountered an old man, half of his face having been burned to the point where the flesh was gone and nothing but the skull was seen, that told him that it was better to say his true feelings for the navigator. Before Luffy's time passes.

Some time after the festival, Luffy had remembered a special occasion. When they leave, this special occasion would occur on the on the last month on this island. Clue: Their first month is in March (changed it, again) therefore their fifth month.... will be? And what occurs on that month that is special for a LuNa fanfic? And this explains the significance of Chapter 10.

Out of the blue, Nakiri asked Luffy to come with her to the forest for a moment, there, Nakiri had lead to Luffy to an open space, but despite being daytime on the outside, it was night, starry and a full moon stared down upon them. Nakiri had explained that this is one of the things known for their island, the moon and the fact that Death literally roams on the very island itself. She said that to only stop Death from roaming further, was with true love. It was when Nakiri made her move, and it was when Luffy bathed in his own blood.

With the help of the half-skull faced man, Nami found Nakiri and Luffy, only to be met with Luffy coughing, wheezing, and gasping for air, but the fact that he was coughing up blood at the same time meant that it was worse than it looks. Nami and Nakiri had taken Luffy back to Chopper, he said that the bullet that hit Luffy, broke into shrapnels, some even went inside his circulatory system, therefore weakening him to a degree. But what hit all of them, was when h told that the shrapnels are slowly killing Luffy. Lala had consoled her elder sister, she told her that what happened to Luffy wasn't her fault. Although, this wasn't the case, Luffy had just reminded Nakiri of someone very special to her. This boy had almost the same features as Luffy, but with yellow hair and blue eyes. It pained Nakiri to remember him again. The boy named, Kirigiya.

A month later, Luffy was in full blast and another festival went down. In the middle of the festival Luffy saw a suspicious looking man wearing a hoodie that covers most of his facial features, he paid no mind to most of it since Nami was drunk and definitely needed someone to carry her back to Sunny.

A few days later, someone had decided to make its move on the captain.
Death will come for you Monkey D. Luffy.

A/N: I guess I needed to buy some time for me, because the next chapter is really long, and I'm trying to lessen it.  And that last part was Death, either talking to Luffy, or his own, or he even has the knowledge to talk to you-

You mean fourth -wall -breaks, right?

Wtf, Death?! You're not supposed to be here yet!

I wasn't supposed to, but you got impatient and decided to let me join on this A/N bullshit!

Hehehe.... Yeah.... So, uh.... its nice to have some company...

Be grateful, two-timer!

Expect more swearing and insults from now on. I swear I'm gonna delete his ass.

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