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imsebastianstan having a great birthday, thank you to everyonetagged | @nancyrhodes350k likes | 5

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imsebastianstan having a great birthday, thank you to everyone
tagged | @nancyrhodes
350k likes | 5.2 k comments

isabellahernandez Chris Evans is the karaoke king and no one can change mindtagged | @chrisevans785 likes | 534 comments

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isabellahernandez Chris Evans is the karaoke king and no one can change mind
tagged | @chrisevans
785 likes | 534 comments

isabellahernandez Chris Evans is the karaoke king and no one can change mindtagged | @chrisevans785 likes | 534 comments

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A/N; Top manip made by queensofwd on tumblr.

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