I love you

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Chapter 6: I love you

*Emma's POV*

I stare at him in shock, trying to take in everything he had said. No. This can't be happening. Niall looks at me, and frowns. While everyone is either talking to each other or drinking blood, I had taken Niall aside to talk to him.

'Emma?' I continue to stare at him. How can I still hear him in my mind?

'How can I still hear you? I don't mind at all.. Actually I'm quite happy to have you still in my head. But how is this possible?' Niall stares at me.

'I don't know...'

I step closer to him, as he wraps his arms around me. I squeeze him tight, like I never did before. He squeezes my body, making it hard to breathe.

"Niall? You're hurting me.." He immediately lets go and examines me.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay!?" I can't help but smile. I nod and he sighs in relief.

"You're just a bit stronger than me right now, that's all. Being a new born and all." I take his hands in mine and I look into his brilliant blue shinny eyes. "But you're alright right?" He nods.

"Yeah.. I feel great. Better than before." He smiles.

"What happened?" Liam suddenly speaks out loud. Niall and I turn around and see everyone looking at each other with uncertain expressions on their faces.

"What do you mean?" Niall asks, in his strong Irish accent.

"I think what Liam is trying to say is, what happened on the road? Why did we crash?" Louis walks closer to us.

"I can answer that." We all turn to see Gabrielle standing next to Destiny at the door.

"You can?" Anabel stands up, from the couch she was sitting on.

"Yes. It was an attack. A warning." We all stare at her in confusion.

"From who?" Luke asks.

"The Demons. They attacked us with their magic, to give us a warning. They knew Niall was in the car. They wanted to kill him." Gabrielle explains. My eyes widen in shock.

"But I didn't let that happen." Destiny looks over at Niall. I look over at him and notice he's blushing. Oooh Niall has a crush on someone!

'Shut up!'

'What?' I grin and he rolls his eyes, but hides a smile.

"So what are we supposed to do? How do we get rid of these Demons?" Eli asks, standing next to Luke.

"We need to go to war." We all turn our heads to the direction of the new voice. It's Dante. He walks down the stairs with a couple of vampires and he nods at Niall. "You're all good man?"

"Yeah! I'm great thanks." Niall smiles gratefully at Dante.

"Wait.. War!?" Elysabeth looks uncertain. Calum puts an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"We have too! It's the only way. The training starts tomorrow morning. With Niall being a vampire now, we don't have to worry about his safety. They also won't be expecting him." Dante explains.

"I'll take you to your rooms now." Destiny speaks up. Not letting us process this new information. Everyone just nods as we all follow her out the room, and into the hallway. We end up going up the second floor of this palace, where there are a bunch of rooms lining up the hallway.

"This first room is for Harry, Zayn, and Niall." She points to the first door on the right. The three open the door, as we continue on. "The room across from theirs is for Eli, Luke and Michael." We walk a bit further from their room, towards the middle of the hallway.

"This room is for Elysabeth, Catherine, Victoria and Calum." She opens the door on the left side of the hallway. They go inside and we follow Destiny a bit further. "This next room is for Anabel, Ashton and Paul." I look down at her hand and notice that she has a list of our names, with room numbers, on a piece of paper. How odd.. The three of them go inside the room, and I'm now left with my husbands.

"You guys get the room at the end of the hallway." She stops at a dead end, where there's a huge door. "Hope you enjoy your stay. Gabrielle is going to drop by later. She needs to speak with you and Niall." She tells me and I nod. She walks away and I stare at the door.

"It's huge." I say and Liam chuckles. He takes a hold of the door handle. He pushes it open and my eyes widen. This is a huge ass room!

"Wow.." Louis walks in, admiring the place. It looks like a room right out of a fairytale. The bed is huge, it can fit like four people, if you wanted. The carpet is white and it looks soft. There's a huge window, on the other side of the room. Everything is purple and white. It's breathtaking.

"Yup. I approve." Liam smiles and I wrap my arm around his waist. Louis comes closer to us and wraps an arm around the both of us.

"I wonder if there's a bar in here..?" Louis lets go of us and starts looking around the room. I laugh at him, as he looks in drawers. I walk to the bed and jump onto it. I feel myself relax as I take in a deep breath. "Hey! They do!" Louis yells and I look over at Liam. He grins, as he see's Louis emerge with two bottles of Rhum and Vodka.

"Here Liam, catch!" He throws him the bottle of Rhum. He catches it easily, and starts reading the label. He then throws me the Vodka and I catch it. "We can mix those with this!" He then comes back with a bottle of what looks like blood.

"I'll get the glasses!" Liam hands me the Rhum and walks towards Louis. Louis points over to where he went to get the drinks. I open up the Vodka first and take a swig. The burning taste, going down my throat, makes me feel alive.

"This could be like our mini celebration!" I say out loud.

"For what?" Louis takes a seat next to me on the bed, as Liam walks in with glasses. He takes the bottle of blood and pours half in each glass. He hands me the bottle and I give him the Vodka.

"We never had our honeymoon, so this could be it?" I ask them and Liam frowns, looking at Louis. They look a bit down. "What is it?"

"I guess we can tell her?" Liam asks Louis and he nods. Tell me what? "We were going to take you on this extravagant honeymoon when the kids came back from their vacation.. But then this had to happen." He hands me a glass and I look at my husbands. Wow.. They organized a honeymoon for us?... Why did the Demons have to ruin everything!?

"But don't worry my loves. We will have our proper honeymoon after this stupid war is over. I swear it." Louis says, putting a hand on my knee. He takes the glass from Liam's hand and puts it up for a toast.

"Let this war go by quickly, and let us be together forever. I love you two so much, I couldn't ask for anyhting more." I smile at Louis and Liam kisses him on the cheek. We clink our drinks together and jug them down.

"I love you guys." They both grin and jump on top of me.

"We love you more!" They both kiss me as we fall asleep, wrapped in each others arms.

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