I Swear To God..

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Chapter 17: I Swear To God..

*Louis' POV*

I hate waiting. I know Gabrielle has this crazy theory that everything she planned a few months ago is going to happen, but I'm afraid for what will actually happen at the end of all this. Will Emma be okay? Will Eli be okay? Will Anabel be okay? Will Niall be okay?

I hate these unanswered and unsure questions. I can't beat Gabrielle for answers again because it won't do any good. She won't say a word because apparently to her it'll ruin the plan. She was hesitant on telling me how she got all this information anyway.

She finally told me, that she got it from this scroll, but refuses to show it to me. I hate that she knows everything and won't tell anyone. "It would ruin everything if I told you." Is what she said.

I can't lose hope though. Eli. Anabel. Emma. Niall. They're my family and I swear to god.. If something bad happens to any of them.. Someone's going to pay.

"Louis?" I look up to see Harry, Liam and Zayn staring at me with worry.

"You okay?" Zayn asks with concern.

"No. I'm not." I sigh and look down at my feet. My warn out black vans are kind of hurting my soles. My black jeans are all torn at the knees. If I was human, my knees would be scratched and bruised. But since I'm a Vampire, it heals really quickly. I look back up to see them staring at me.

"We know.. We can always still hear you." Harry points to his head.

"Right.." They hear everything I think. I forgot about that.. I must have been too consumed in my own thoughts to have heard them in my own head for these past few days.

"You're very loud.. Your thoughts I mean. We've got your back Louis.. Don't you ever forget about that." I form a smile at my best mates. Liam rubs my back and I sigh. I know that they'll always be there for me, and that really warms my dead heart.

My ears suddenly perk up hearing a noise and I look towards the doorway. I start to feel something familiar and comforting.

"Do you guys hear that?" Liam suddenly says after a few moments of silence. I look at Liam and he looks at me.

'You feel her right?'

'Yeah.. I think I do.' We both stand up and quickly run out the room, turning the corner to see Niall in Destiny's arms. Kissing?

"Louis! Liam!" I hear a cry of joy from my beautiful wife. I spot her running towards us as she opens her arms wide. She crashes into Liam and I, as we squeeze her tight.

"Are we going crazy or are you really here my love?" Liam asks as we let go of her. She doesn't look harmed in any way and she seems determined or something.

"I'm really here and I have a plan to destroy Will once and for all." She seems a bit off which concerns me. I take her hand in mine and she looks up at me.

"What happened?" I know something's wrong. Her smile disappears and anger replaces it.

"I'm going to kill him if it's the last thing I do." She says evilly and I look at Liam.

"What did he do now?" I start to worry. He's obviously done something else for her to be this worked up. I really hope it's nothing bad...

"He did the unthinkable. He turned our daughter into a Demon. A fucking Demon! Who knows what they did with Eli!" She screams in pain. My eyes go wide at this new information. Did Gabrielle know about this?

I quickly turn on my heels and speed walk to the living room where I know Gabrielle and her brother are.

As I thought, she's sitting on the couch talking with her brother, but suddenly stops when she hears me come in. She turns her head and sighs.

"Emma is back with Niall?" How the hell does she know that!?

'I swear to god if she knew and didn't warn us... I don't fucking care if it destroys Will. If it's going to hurt Anabel in any way, I'm going to murder Gabrielle!' I hear Liam think to himself.

"Did you know that Anabel was going to get turned into a Demon!?" I scream at her. Liam is suddenly by my side, glaring at her.

"She's technically not a Demon." Gabrielle says, biting her lip.

"I saw it with my own eyes! They did this spell on her!" Emma yells as she starts to get closer to her.

"No. Will made Anabel drink something with Demon blood. He didn't fully turn her into a Demon. She can just do what other Demon's can do, like disappear in the darkness." She explains.

"Why would she willingly do that!?" Emma asks.

"Did you tell her to!?" Liam screams.

"Because if you did tell her, you won't just get my fury... You'll get mine and my two partners here as well." I warn her and she gulps.

"No. I didn't tell her to. I knew she would because of what I told you before about the scroll-"

"What scroll!?" Emma asks, not following. Gabrielle sighs.

"While you were kidnapped and whatever, I explained to Louis and Liam, that there's this scroll that I had came across, to end the Demon species. That's why Will and his Demon army want to come after the Vampire's because he knows we have that scroll. It explains the future to killing Demons." She explains.

"So this scroll says what?" Emma asks in an annoyed tone.

"How to finally, once and for all, kill Will. That's why Anabel willingly did what she did." Emma looks at her, still puzzled. To be honest I don't quite get it either. Why would having Demon blood, help kill Will?

"I still don't get it.." I look in back of me to see Zayn speak up. Harry is there two, with Sabrina on his side, listening to our conversation.

"Only Demons can kill other Demons." Dante says.

It all starts to make sense now. So if Anabel has Demon blood now, she's technically a Demon.. Which means she can kill Will!

"Well then screw the plan I had in mind.." Emma looks at me and takes a deep breath. "I have another plan."

Darkness Meets Light (Threequel to Under The Darkness)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang