Where Are They!?

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Chapter 11: Where Are They!?

*Eli's POV*

Everything suddenly turned dark. Camila's holding onto Anabel, while Kaisen's holding onto me. They had quickly ducked us under the table, when we heard the footsteps. I have no clue what's going on. I try to look for any sign of my mum or the two other vampires. I can't seem to detect them. It's like this black fog is preventing me from moving vampire speed...

'Okay guys listen up-'

'Kaisen?' I raise an eyebrow, looking at her. I forgot she had the power to talk to people with her mind. She had taught me different ways of using it, like how to tell if someone is lying. She nods and points to her head, and then puts a finger over her mouth, telling us to be silent. I look over at Anabel who nods.

'Remember your training? Well.. The Demons are here. Right now. We need to get out of here, and back to the castle, we'll be safer there.'

'Where's our mum? I can't see her!' Anabel looks around frantically.

'Calm down Anabel. She's got Kayleigh and Silvina with her. She'll be fine, I promise!' Camila tries to calm my sister down.

'But why can't I feel her presence!? Where is she!?' I start to panic. I can't see her. I can't feel her.

'She's probably already out of the building... We need to leave now!' Kaisen says with an immediate tone. She seem's scared.

'Okay... There's an exit at the back.. If we crawl all the way to the back door, we can find the exit.'

'Crawling. Good idea!' Kaisen agree's with Camila. Anabel and I nod in agreement. She has to be outside already, there's no doubt about it.. If she was in the building I would have sensed it.

'I'll go first. Anabel you follow, then Eli.' Kaisen instructs. She slowly gets on her stomach, and puts pressure on her arms. She starts to crawl out from under the table, looking from side to side. Anabel hesitantly follows, doing the same. I follow and look around, still only seeing dark fog around us. Everything seems to be black and white, like all the colour from the room got drained out. It must be the Demons. Who else would have the power to intentionally do this?

We pass by a few tables, and so far so good. I can't help but wonder why they decided to come here. Wasn't this place already taken care of? Unless they felt our presence, but even then.. What was the whole meeting about back at the palace? And why was Gabrielle so easily okay with us leaving the castle in the first place? I thought she would've given us a lecture about how it's dangerous out here.. But instead she just let us go. So many unanswered questions.

'Almost there..' I hear Kaisen think to us. We continue to follow her, past the self service table. Kaisen suddenly stops. She pushes open a door and crawls in, followed by Anabel, Camila and I. Once inside, Kaisen gets up from the floor, and stands up. We do the same and start following her out the back exit. She opens the door, and... The sun is gone. The sky is grey... And the building is surrounded by a flock of Demons.

"Ah! Eli. Anabel. My.. Look at how much you've grown." I know that voice...

A guy suddenly walks up to the front, dressed completely in black. Black shoes, black jeans, black t-shirt, black long jacket, even his hair is black. His eyes though, tell a different story. Those red piercing eyes, make me shudder.

"Will." I say out loud, looking at his face. He looks so much like my father, but still has his differences.

"How are you alive!?" Anabel's voice suddenly goes higher. She must be thinking the same thing I'm thinking. We had killed him back when mum, Daddy Li and Daddy Lou weren't married. Jade had to die, for him to get killed. How is he standing there in front of us, smiling like a complete idiot!?

Darkness Meets Light (Threequel to Under The Darkness)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon