The Soul

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Chapter 8: The Soul

*Harry's POV*

I wake up with a light groan, turning around on my stomach and pushing a pillow on top of my head, muffling the sound of the people talking outside the room. Can they just be quiet? It's like... Three o'clock in the morning!

"Harry... Harry wake up." I hear Zayn mumbling while he shakes me awake.

"Piss off, mate. I wanna sleep." I grumble loudly, stretching my arm out to try and punch him in the gut, so he can leave me the fuck alone.

"I'm serious, Haz! I think something's happening... Like... Something bad." He says to me and I sigh, flopping onto my back and rubbing my eyes. Great.. What now!?

"What is it now?" I raise an eyebrow at him and he rolls his eyes, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of bed. I yelp as my body collapses to the ground loudly, groaning as a sharp pain shoots up my shoulder. If I were human right now, I would've broken a bone.. Or gotten a bruise.

"Ow... Okay, I'm awake now!" I say as I quickly recover, standing up and glaring at him. Must be something important if Zayn out of all people is waking me up.

"Good." He puts a hand on my, still recovering shoulder as I frown. A sudden knock echoes from the door and into our room. We both turn our heads to stare at the closed door. Who can that be?

"Come in!" I call out to whoever's on the other side of the door and Zayn's eyes widen, staring at me in panic.

"What if it's a Demon?!" He whisper-yells at me, making me roll my eyes.

"Well, then we'll just have to kill it now, won't we?" I tell him with a touch of annoyance in my voice. The door soon opens to reveal a slightly panicked and confused Anabel.

"Bels? What's going on, love?" I frown as I walk up to her, wrapping my arms around her protectively.

"I- I don't know, Uncle Harry... It's... Something's up, I can feel it... I just... I saw something." She murmurs as she looks up at me.

"You... You saw something? Like, as in a vision?" I ask, confused. Since when can she do that? She nods slowly, obviously troubled.

"Yeah, but that's not the point... There's something wrong with Aunty Saby." My body immediately tenses up at the idea of something bad happening to Sab. My Sab. My eyes widening.

"You saw Sab? What's wrong? What's going on? Where is she?" I ask frantically as Niall barges into the room, his face alarmed and panicked. What the fuck is happening? Why is everyone acting so weird?

"Niall?" Zayn looks at him with alarm.

"Harry- I... I think you should come with me." He tells me quietly, looking around the room. I let got of Anabel, frowning as I follow Niall out. He leads me quickly down the stairs and into the hallway.

We stop in front of a door, a crowd blocking my view of what's happening inside the room. I hear murmurs of people asking questions as Niall elbows his way into the room.

"Please, let us through!" Niall growls angrily... Niall never gets angry. Today is so fucking strange, what's happening?

Finally, we can breathe properly as we walk into the... infirmary, it looks like. Emma is there, holding someone's hand. The sleeping body is hidden from my view, covered in a blue hospital sheet.

"Em? What's going on? Who's hurt?" I asked worriedly as I walk towards her. She stands up quickly and looks at me with wide eyes.

"Harry! I- uhmm..." She mumbles nervously and Niall grabs her arm, pulling her away to the back of the room.

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