Big Shocker

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Chapter 12: Big Shocker

*Luke's POV*

Everyone's attention is all on the staircase. I don't know about everyone else but my eyes are wide and I can't seem to shut my mouth. How is she standing there? How is she alive!?

"Jade?" Everyone seems to be repeating over and over again. She's just standing there, looking at us individually. Other legs come into view as other people descend down the stairs. Sabrina is standing there, holding Harry's hand. Both of them have a huge smile on their face. They look down at us and suddenly frown.




"How is this possible!?"

Were people's reactions. No one is moving, just staring. How is Jade alive? Didn't she die in the fight with Will? And wasn't Sabrina in intense care a few weeks ago?

"Hello everyone. I know all of you are surely confused.. I can explain." Jade speaks up. No one says a word, we're all too shocked to say anything. "You all surely remember the fight with Will.. Well he didn't actually kill me. He thought he did, but he didn't. Gabrielle here has been taking care of me ever since, and I am now fully recovered. We thought today would be the best time for me to come out of hiding. I've been training and getting all prepped up for this war. I'm all up to date with everything. Congratulations Liam, Louis and Emma. I'm really happy for you. And Niall, I see you're now among the vampires, and I sense something powerful in this room... Don't tell me it's.."

"Yes. It's Illusion Borrowing. Emma and Niall posses it." Gabrielle smiles and looks over at the both of them. I look at Emma who has a blank expression and Niall who keeps looking at her with worry. Since when do they have powers? I look back up at Jade who is now looking at me.

"Where's Anabel and Eli?" She asks, probably realizing they're not here. We all look over at Gabrielle who tenses up again. She seems so fragile and scared.

'Eli!?' I try to speak to him by mind, since we can do that.

'LUKE!' I hear him answer back. I sigh in relief, which Jade seems to notice. She steps down the steps and takes a hold of my hand. What is she doing?

'Where are you?' I ask, while staring at Jade.

"What's going on? Luke, are you talking to Eli?" Emma walks up to me and looks at me with sad eyes.

"Yeah." I look at Jade who's eyes widen.

"STOP TALKING TO HIM! BLOCK YOUR MIND!" She suddenly yells at me, I furrow my eyebrows and quickly do what she says.

"Why what's going on?" I ask, building up the wall.

"They're with the Demons! That was a trap! We need to get out of here now!" She says, grabbing my arm and Emma's, since she's the closest. She drags us to another room, while everyone frantically follows us, protesting and asking questions. She doesn't answer anyone and continues to speed walk.

"Grandmother!" I hear Sabrina yell. She turns her head and she's suddenly right in front of her.

"We should take the underground path from the bathroom! We can get to the other safe house, and plan out everything else from there." Jade nods, agreeing with her, while she continues to drag Emma and I.

"Jade! Let go! I can walk myself." Emma speaks up, but she doesn't let go. We continue walking until we stop in front of a door. Sabrina opens the door, and there's a medium sized bathroom. She crouches down and presses a button, under the toilet seat. An opening suddenly opens from the floor and she jumps down. Jade looks behind us and signals for Harry to go next. She makes everyone go first and then she literally pushes us in. I fall onto Micheal's back, who falls on someone else.

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