Got U Under My Skin

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"How was your flight hyung?" Taehyung pressed the phone to his ear, balancing the shopping bags and his books

"Like shit, I'm so tired" Yoongi sulk from the other line "And I miss you"

"Hyung it's been only a few hours" Taehyung smile fondly remembering how hard it was to convince Yoongi that he'll be fine and that he should take the offer from the modeling company; it's a huge offer and Taehyung wouldn't forgive himself if Yoongi missed it.

The elder needed this chance as a photographer, and Yoongi deserve all the best.....

"Still I miss you"

"I miss you too hyung but it won't be for too long, I mean two weeks or so isn't a long time"

"Just take care of yourself and be a good kid for hyung huh?"

"Hyung I'm not a kid"

"You're my kid no matter how tall you're"

Taehyung giggle standing in front of his house "I love you, work hard"

"I love you too" Yoongi mumble before whispering "Tae"

Taehyung's hand stills at the door's lock swallowing thickly "Yes hyung"

"Are you alright? I mean__"

Of course he know what Yoongi mean, and he don't want to talk about it not yet "Hyung I'm fine"


"Seriously I'M FINE" Taehyung blink away the tears, scolding himself "I'm used to this really"


"So did you meet the model yet?" Taehyung change the subject opening the door

"Not yet, I'm nervous, it's a famous brand, I need to have a vision"

Taehyung laugh again "You'll be just fine hyung, you're the best"

"I've to go, hey stay safe and don't cook anything ok? And take care of yourself and please please please don't get sick"

"I love you hyung the most" Taehyung giggle softly "But I've to hung up, someone is knocking"

"Who?? Who the fuck is visiting you when I'm not home___ Tae if he's a stranger, call the cops"

"For fuck sake" Taehyung roll his eyes groaning "I'm a teacher hyung, are you fucking kidding me?"

"You're so innocent and pretty, how can I stop worrying"

"Bye Yoongi, I'm done with your shit" He hung up at him giggling and opening the door, yelping when the air knocked out of his lungs by Jimin and Hoseok

"Taetaeeeee" "My love" The two men screech in delight at the same time pressing wet kisses on both Taehyung's cheeks

"ewww holy shit, fuck go away from me" Taehyung squirm trying to push the men away from him

"Tell me how much you love me" Jimin pout fluttering his eyelashes to Taehyung

"WHAT THE FUCK" Taehyung grimace edging away

"I freaking missed you baby, nice to be in your arms again" Hoseok groan burying his face in Taehyung's neck

"YAH STOP, IT TICKLES" Taehyung squeaks "Hyuuuuuuung Jimin" He giggle letting them squish him between their bodies

"Hey you're going with us, prepare yourself" Jimin grin looking up at him

"Where? I don't feel like going anywhere" Taehyung murmur, detaching himself from the two

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