Let Go

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Jungkook stare out of the window, he wasn't looking at something specific, his mind was all over the place; he felt dead inside and everything and everyone around him make him feel even more frustrated if this was possible....

"Want to go out for a walk?"

Jungkook blink not wanting to turn his eyes away from the blue sky, he mumble "Don't want to"

Yoona watches him silently before stepping closer, sitting on the edge of the window, she sigh deeply running her fingers into her long wavy hair; She cleared her throat peering at his blank face, she eyed the fading bruises "Who did this to you?"

Jungkook's eyes met hers before looking away again "I fell"

Yoona furrowed her eyebrows in concern, the man looked lifeless almost, loose limbs and cold eyes and stoic face; she pitied him, being under all this pressure it sure can have a toll on him but she's really curious about all the tension between him and his parents lately. She crossed her arms on her chest asking "It doesn't look like you fell"

Jungkook didn't care to answer, eyes following a flying bird until it disappear from his eyesight, he felt like crying because he can't do like that bird; flying away and disappearing...


"Leave me alone" He mumble absentminded, closing his tired eyes

"I know it's hard on you" Yoona say quietly "to be forced into a relationship you don't want to" She smiled softly when Jungkook opened his eyes and gaze at her silently "Me and your brother, it was the same thing, a business marriage" She inhale deeply looking out "I hated it at first, I was so depressed that I thought in running away but my commitment to my family held me back" She smiled at him shrugging "Look at us now, along the way we fell in love and I have Jihoon and he's the best thing that ever happen to me" She sigh when he didn't say anything in return "Jungkook__"

"Jungkook-ah" The man shout barging into the room, a wide grin plastered on his face "Long time no see cousin"

"Fuck" Jungkook closes his eyes groaning

"Hey noona" The man hop excitedly toward them beaming

"Hey Jongin, indeed long time no see" Yoona mumble, eying the man warily

"You're getting married" Jongin shriek laughing "Never thought ever that I'll see this day but well___"

"Why did you come here?" Yoona exclaim, tilting her head to the side "I thought you don't want to be part of this family"

"Ok first I didn't say that" Jongin raise a brow to her putting his hand on his hip "Second, did you think really that I'll hear the great news and I'll stay aside" He clap his hands in sheer glee chirping "I'm going to be your best man, please Jungkookie please"

Jungkook's shoulders slump down as he sigh in defeat; it's what he only do the past days, sighing in defeat or crying in defeat, he feel so hollow so empty....

"__ Jungkookie"

"I'm going out" Jungkook rasp out, standing up heavily, he already feel the tears welling up his eyes as he ignore Jongin's sulking and Yoona's pitied gaze

"Mr. Jeon inform you that the lunch is ready" The maid bow to Jungkook before turning to leave

Jungkook stills, stomach twisting sickly, he swallow down the bitterness grimacing

"Jungkook-ah" Yoona squeeze at his shoulder, eyes soft and encouraging

The lunch was quiet except for some hushed talks and whispers, Jungkook stare at his plate counting internally until he can excuse himself

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