A New Start

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"What the hell Joon? This is unacceptable" Taeyeon calls from the door before walking toward him, everything in her small body screams anger and Joonmyun find that too cute

"What dear? What's your problem now?" He ask smiling as he perk his chin to his fist

"Don't put that innocent face, it won't work for me" She grunt pulling at her hair "Canceling the fucking cover we agreed on, do you know what Kristal will do if she knows about this?"

"Just tell her it's my choice and let her come to me for explanation" Joonmyun mutter quietly, tapping his fingers on his cheek

"Why huh? What do you have in mind?" Taeyeon sigh dropping on the chair "You know how long we've been waiting for her to pose for us?"

Joonmyun smile looking absent mind for a moment before biting his lip, eyes twinkling with excitement "Do you remember when we first start this work Taeyeon" He smile gently when she nod cocking her head to the side "This time too, I have that feeling that our magazine will be the number one fashion magazine"

"What? How?" She asked curiously

Joonmyun's smile widen, tapping his fingers on the table before winking playfully to her "You'll see honey, you'll see"

Taeyeon stare at him, she wanted to ask further, to demand an explanation but she knows Joonmyun too well to trust him and his guts and his great judgment so she recoil back in her chair pursing her lips tight and choosing to wait.....

"Jimin" Jungkook jog to catch up for the elder who look back at him over his shoulder "Just stop, would you?"

"What do you want Jungkook?" Jimin grumble, glancing back at the younger

"Are you going to keep avoiding me forever?" Jungkook grab his arm pulling him to a stop "You're my friend Jimin, how could you treat me like this?"

"I can't Jungkook" Jimin met his eyes "I can't look at you without thinking in Taehyung, I can't be normal with you when I know that you destroyed someone as innocent and nice as Taehyung, I can't"

"Do you think I'm ok Jimin? Do you think I'm happy with what I did?" Jungkook groan, eyes became glazed with tears "I'm dying Jimin, everytime I remember what I did to him I die; and no matter what I can't forget about him ever"

"It's all over now, your engagement is tomorrow and you already did damage everything" Jimin mutter, eyebrows furrowed in irritation, he avoid Jungkook's broken look adding "I can't forgive myself too Jungkook, because of you I lied to someone dear to me, I betrayed his trust and I can't forgive myself"

Jungkook suck in a shaky breath, lips quivering as he try to find words, words that can explain why he did what he did, although he know nothing excuse what he had done "Did you see him?" He whisper, looking down at his feet

"I saw him once but I couldn't talk to him, I didn't know how to face him after all what happen" Jimin replies pushing his fingers into his hair

"How was he?" Jungkook ask wrapping his arms around himself, although the hot weather his body felt cold

"Thinner than before, he looked so delicate and soft, so beautiful" Jimin answer, a fond smile tug at his lips

"I'm sorry Jimin, I really am, Taehyung would be very happy if he end up with you" Jungkook smile bitterly, he purses his lips tight fighting his tears, his hand reach for Jimin's arm "It's my entire fault"

"Shut up Jungkook" Jimin slap his hand away grimacing "It's too late now, you ruined everything"

Jungkook froze, wide tearful eyes looking at Jimin with shock, the man was so harsh so angry and he almost sound hating "Jimin??" But the elder didn't respond chewing on his lips nervously. Jungkook swallow the lump down clearing his throat "Ok I get it, you can go"

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