I'm Sorry

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"Where have you been?"

Jungkook startle looking up at the voice, he bit his lip trying not to shrink under the hard glaring eyes, gulping thickly he walked closer avoiding the watching eyes "Mother" He cleared his throat muttering "When did you come?"

"Where have you been?" The woman asked again, voice cold and harsh

"With a friend" Jungkook answer rigidly, still avoiding looking at his mother

"Till now?" She asked, watching him intently "Why didn't you answer my calls?"

"It'__ I_" Jungkook stutter nervously before sighing "Why am I getting interrogated now?" He meet her eyes mumbling "I'm tired, It was a long day" He straighten himself adding "I'm going to bed"

"Jeon Jungkook"

Jungkook froze in his spot not daring to look back at the woman "Yes"

"You still remember who you're and what you're supposed to do, right?" His mother rumble standing from the sofa "We don't need to remind you, right?"

Jungkook gritted his teeth, fists clenching by his sides, he hates how weak he feel now, how his body tremble in response for his mother's cold tone

"It's time son" She say, standing in front of him "You're ready"

Jungkook stare at her eyes searching for any sign of compassion, he bit his lip hard before muttering "I'm not, I'm not ready yet"

"We gave you enough time" His mother fixes him with a hard look "You started to lose your way Jungkook"

"Please" Jungkook's voice quieted, he closes his eyes tight before whispering "This is not what I want"


"I don't think I can do this anymore" He cut her rambling looking at her with pleading eyes

"ENOUGH" His mother flare glaring at Jungkook "Did you lose your mind? Are you listening to yourself?"

"It's my life, I can chose, I've the right to" Jungkook protest, feeling like melting under her angry shocked eyes

She took a harsh breath, eying him intently before breathing out "And what did you chose? What do you want to do exactly?"

Jungkook snap his eyes up, blinking when he saw the blank expression on her face, he swallow down his anxiety, he need to do this, he need to be strong for Taehyung, it's the right chance to tell his mother everything about the teacher,

Jungkook's heart flutter at the thought of Taehyung, he can't imagine his life without the cute pretty man, he smile softly touching the bracelet around his wrist

The woman stayed silent, narrowing her eyes darkly, she step closer holding Jungkook's chin up to look deeply at his eyes "I know what you're thinking at" She smirk at the shocked look on her son's face "Of course I know, you think If you hide away from all the people you can hide from me Jungkookie"

Jungkook didn't want to tremble but he couldn't help the panic and fear that started to crawl slowly to him, although he wanted them to know about Taehyung but he didn't want them to found out too. He gulp tensing "Mother"

"SHUT UP" His mother hissed, her fingers tighten around his chin "You think I'll let you disgrace our family this way? You think I'll let you bring us shame?" She gritted her teeth in anger keeping eyes contact with a pale Jungkook "I know what's going on here Jungkook, I know it's not your fault, you were always a soft weak one"

Jungkook flinch moving away from the woman, heart dropping at the cruel look in her eyes.

"He's pretty, I have to admit" She smirk darkly noticing the way her son startle, eyes widen in shock and fear "A face of a slut, it was so obvious"

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