Can't Let Go

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“Where did you all go and left me?” Joonmyun sulk into his phone hearing Yoongi’s sigh deeply

“I’m running after Hoseok and Taehyung, you can’t irritate me more than this” The other complain

Joonmyun smile, raising a brow when he heard the photographer yelp letting out a string of curses

“Yah Hoseok you want me dead you idiot?” Yoongi groan and Joonmyun chuckle leaning back into the pillows

“Is Taehyung having a good time?” He ask staring at the ceiling of the hotel room

“He is” Yoongi confirm, a hint of laughter in his voice “He refuses to get back to the hotel until he see all the places he want to see”

“Glad to hear this” He comment before groaning rolling on his stomach “Update me with your location, maybe when I feel better, I’ll join you”

“Ok, rest well”

Joonmyun pushed himself to sit on the bed, staring too hard at his phone before shaking his head throwing the devise behind him..

“What are you thinking at? This is your chance to win your war” He mumble to himself rubbing his face in irritation “You waited for this moment for so long” He stand from the bed walking around the room “It’s the perfect time to destroy him…. Them”

Joonmyun’s eyes falls on his laptop’s screen, his photo with Taehyung at the airport stare at him back, he smile softly at the shy look on Taehyung’s face, a pretty blush adorning his face and for his trillionth time, he squeal feeling his heart melting with affection he didn’t think he’ll ever feel for someone..

His weakness for Taehyung ruined everything he planned for; he wanted to hurt the Jeons like they hurted him, to ruin that family, bare their ugly truth to everyone but if he did that he’ll put Taehyung in the middle and he’ll end up hurting him as well

He don’t want this to happen

“You messed everything up you idiot” He ruffle his hair sighing glancing to the photo again clicking his tongue in annoyance.....

“Who is it?” He yell walking toward the door after hearing a quiet knock “Who is__” Joonmyun blink in surprise

“Hi” Hyerin smile, eyes looking over his shoulder inside “Are you alone?”

“What are you doing here?” He ask, calculating eyes narrowing on her as he blocked her attempt to walk in

She rolled her eyes at his rudeness, still keeping the kind smile on her face “Here as in Tokyo or__??”

“I don’t care what you’re doing in Tokyo, why are you here in front of me?” Joonmyun interrupt her rudely

She smirk, twirling a lock of hair between her fingers “I heard you’re here with your famous pretty model, I wanted to check up on you, is Taehyung here?”

Joonmyun’s eye twitch, he breathe through his nose trying to stay calm “I don’t see the occasion for you to come here or meet Taehyung, you can go” He step back ready to slam the door in her face

“Jungkook is coming” She blurt out fast, perking up when she notice the blonde’s expression darken at the mention of the name; she smirk wider satisfied with the reaction she got “Kyungri called me, told me he’s already on the plane, he was in a hurry to be here; have an idea to why he’s coming?”

Joonmyun’s expression turn blank, eyes void of any emotion as he stare at the woman; she’s perfect for that family, the next wicked heir to that witch.

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