Chapter 16

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Lai did not remember blacking out.

She remembered the bag. 

The lightleaping.

And... Curses... 

She didn't have a Nexus on. Yes, she didn't need one anymore, but that didn't apply to being stuffed into a bag and- the truth hit her hard. Kidnapped. She had been kidnapped. Lai snapped her eyes open. All she saw was darkness. She noticed that she couldn't get up. She couldn't scream. Couldn't run.

Lai did not know much about kidnapping. 

She had watched an old human movie when she was younger, and was appalled at the human idea of kidnapping. 




Lai screamed inwardly, and then tried to inhale, but a gag covered her mouth. She tried to calm her breathing and take deep breaths. Then she assessed her surroundings. As far as she could tell, she had the bag over her head, and was strapped  to a chair. Restraints dug into her wrists and ankles. Her head throbbed. 

Futility, she struggled. Kicked. Thrashed. And then gave up and began to sob. Where was she? Who had kidnapped her? How would she ever escape? What did they want?!

Help! Please! 

Over and over, louder and louder. 

Finally, she got mentally exhausted. 

There was no answer.

"Are you done fighting? 'Cause that was kind of fun to watch. No one can hear you here, and so if you're done, I'd be happy to go get the boss..."

The voice was low, gravelly, and threatening. 

Lai gagged, and cried out. Had he been there the whole time?!?

"Well? Oh, wait. You have a gag on. One second."

Boots clacked over to Lai's chair. The bag was pulled off of her head, and she got her first good look at her captor. He had crazy, frizzy blonde hair. Lai noticed that he looked similar to the boy clinging on to Sophie's shoulder in the picture. His eyes were so blue they were almost black. His skin was the color of snow. 

He ripped off her gag.

"Well?" He said. "Well?"

She took a deep breath.

"Where am I?"

"That was not the question."

"Why should I answer you?"

"You don't need to. But I can make you."

"No! No... No you can't. No. No you can't-can't-can't."

"Oh, yes, I very well can. But that is beside the point. Just answer the question."


"Fine. Do you want a different question?" 


"Do you know why you are here?"

Lai closed her eyes, and took a breath. ".....No......"

"Good." His footsteps receded.

Her eyes snapped open. "What?!"

"I said good. That was my question. You don't need to know." He continued to walk away.

"Can't you at least tell me your name?" She begged.

He turned and focused his piercing eyes on her. "I am just known as the Beguiler... to them. I don't think I am really one of them, try as I might, though. So you may call me Callheay." 

He winked, and walked into the darkness.

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