1: Meeting The Family

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You slipped the tiny silicon holder onto the back of your diamond stud earrings and tucked a tight brown curl behind your ear as you heard the doorbell ring. You knew it only had to be your boyfriend Henry as you eagerly ran to the door. Upon opening it you were exposed to a 6'1" man with light loose hair and a sturdy frame. You smiled immediately and wrapped your arms around his neck having to push yourself slightly off of the ground as you did so. "Hey." He chuckled as you nearly knocked him off of the front porch. "Hey. Are you excited?" You asked as you both walked into your home. You didn't live together just yet, you wanted to wait until you were married but you didn't know when that would be."Kind of nervous to be honest." He rubbed his hands on his thighs to decrease the amount of sweat that covered them as he sat in a chair at the island in your kitchen. "Oh babe, don't be nervous. You don't have to worry about anything. Just be yourself and don't get too stressed out about it." He turned to face you because you had walked to where he was and now stood in front of him. You had cupped his face in your hands and looked intensely into his eyes. "I just want them to like me." You shook your head in disbelief that he would think they wouldn't like him. "They will love you." He put his right hand on your left as you pressed your hand closer to his face and brought him in for a sweet kiss. "I love you." You placed your forehead on his and left it there as you replied to his comment. "I love you more." He dropped his hand from yours and you removed yourself from this position continuing to your bedroom where he would then follow. You finished getting ready, and after fluffing your hair some more you two were on your way to your parent's house. 


You pulled into your parent's long driveway and walked with Henry up to the door. You looked at the step below you and saw Henry in a nervous state. Looking every which way and constantly letting out harsh broken breaths out of his parted mouth. "Hen, you'll be alright." You said, placing your hand on his face again and wiping his forehead with your thumb to rid it of the thin layer of sweat. You turned back around as you heard the door clicking and saw your mother opening it. "Hi sweetheart!" She exclaimed as she hugged you. You missed her soft gentle hugs, and her light arms just barely squeezing you. As you and Henry walked in she shut the door behind you two and hugged Henry. "You must be the young man that's got my daughter living in a fairytale." Your mother smiled, revealing the tight lines that curved around her lips when she did so. "Only it's real mama." You said. Henry chuckled and nodded at her. "It's a pleasure t-to finally be uh, meeting you." He stuttered. You felt bad that he was nervous so you rubbed his arm. Again you turned from facing your mother and Henry to see your dad walking into the living room where you all were standing. "Come here baby girl!" He engulfed you in a tight hug. One of those hugs he used to give after teaching you a lesson on boys or how to learn to love yourself. "How's my whole world doing?" He smiled holding your hands. "I'm doing ok dad. It's good to see mama's still feeding you good." You removed one hand from him to tap against his firm belly. He laughed and walked up to Henry. You got his attention by waving at him and putting a thumbs up. He casually looked at you and smiled as he looked back at your father. "How are we doing son? You're the guy who wants to take my daughter from me huh?" Your dad put his hands on his hips and tried to act like he didn't have to slightly look up at henry. In your dad's older years his height had slowly withered to where he was a couple of inches taller than your mother who is 5'6". "Um, no sir I don't...I don't mean t-to take her f-from you." Your dad laughed as soon as Henry was done with his reply. "I'm just kidding with ya boy. Come in and sit, we have lot's to talk about." He patted Henry's shoulder after shaking his hand and guiding him into the kitchen. You thought to yourself poor Henry. Maybe you should have warned him about your father.


You all sat at the round table in your parents' kitchen and after praying over the food, which was a trait your family had never forgotten to do, everyone started to dig in. Except for Henry. After taking a bite of one of your mom's home, cooked blueberry muffins, you looked at Henry and the only thing he had done was take a sip of his water and sit for a few seconds afterward. "You alright?" You quietly asked him. While nodding your mother had called to him, getting his attention. "So Henry, y/n tells us that you're from Jersey, what's it like there?" "Well if you know about the channel islands then you'll know that it's the largest..." You listened to him ramble on about his hometown. The things he used to do there as a teen and what it was like growing up there. "Sounds like you're hometown proud." Your father raised his hand as if he had made an announcement and chuckled. Henry followed with a smile and a quick nod of the head. "Hey Hen, tell them about your project with jerry." Jerry is an old friend of yours who thought it would be a good idea to start a business with Henry where ones could come to a location wherever the building would be and blueprint and expand their ideas for different things. Mostly students who want to get their ideas and or creations internationally known. "Well, I'd say you've got a lot of good going for you. And that means my daughter does too." Your mother smiled warmly at Henry. You put your hand on his knee underneath the table and smiled at him as well. You then felt his large palm over the surface of your hand and he squeezed on it looking at you with a grin(the GIF above).


"Mrs.y/m/l/n, everything was delicious. I really enjoyed the whole evening." You and Henry were about to leave, so you grabbed your father by the shoulders and hugged him as Henry spoke with your mom. "I enjoyed it too. I feel very good about this." She pointed between the both of you and tilted her head slowly up and down. Finally, he shook hands with your father and began speaking to him in a very low voice. You didn't pay much attention to it as you were hugging your mother. "He's a good one." She whispered in your ear. It made you feel light inside. As you pulled away from her your father looked at you with a hole for a mouth and nodded quickly. Henry smiled and shook his hand again but your father hugged him instead. You finally left and got in the car heading back to your house where Henry would then get in his car and leave.

Thanks for reading!

Henry Cavill Imagines (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now