25: Here For You

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Today was fittingly gloomy. For Henry, this past week has been nothing but that and so it was like that for you as well. Rain pouring out of the clouds and even with the curtains drawn back still the sky failed in providing light to the inside of your home, so it was dim. Henry sat on the couch right across from the window as you sat beside him with your right hand on his back. He was leaned forward with his head in his hands. "I just thought I'd be prepared for this." He said. You leaned closer to him and rested your forearm along his spine and played with the short curls at the back of his neck. "You can never prepare for something like this. And it's ok not to be prepared, you love your parents with all your heart and I know they knew it too." He just shook his head. He knew what you said to be true but he couldn't get past the thought. "I just don't know what I'll do without them." He said. All you did was listen as he told you how he felt. You didn't tell him not to cry or to be strong. You knew to do that was hard considering the situation. That it was best for him to go through the motions instead of locking it up. Losing your parents is never easy. Henry's parents had been suffering multiple illnesses for months but last week he lost both of them. And that just destroyed him. You placed your head on his shoulder and suddenly you felt him jerk. Looking up at him you saw that he was crying. That hurt your soul to see him like that. You could feel his pain radiate off of him. And suddenly you felt your eyes burn. Your poor Henry was sitting here in front of you breaking down. Every part of him crumbling into tiny pieces. The more he cried the tighter you held him until your arms were wrapped around him entirely with his head laying in your torso. Soaking your shirt and holding onto your arm that wrapped around his head. "Why did they have to leave?" He asked. You squeezed your eyes shut and kissed the top of his head. You didn't have an answer for that even though you wanted so badly to give him one. And you stayed like this with him for the remainder of the night. Neither of you getting up to go to the bedroom or to eat dinner. 


The next morning you opened your eyes and squinted at the light that surrounded you. You had awoken in the bedroom but you don't remember falling asleep in there last night so it would only make sense that Henry probably placed you here. Henry wasn't beside you and he was nowhere to be found in the room, so you removed yourself from under the white sheets and threw on your sweater that lay randomly on the chair that sat in front of your vanity. It wasn't cold in your house since it stayed heated through this cold month December but you still wanted to cover up before walking around because all you wore was a thin beige tank top. You tucked your hands in the pockets of your pajama pants as you wandered out into the hallway. "Henry?" You quietly said aloud. With no answer, you continued to look. You walked downstairs and left your hand hovering over the handrail as you searched the downstairs level with your eyes. They soon landed on a standing Henry in front of the same window as yesterday. His hands in the pockets of his dark blue fitted slacks as he gazed out of the see-through barrier between him and the outside. You slowly but surely made your way over to him, and once you got there you let your hands slide up his slender and firm back. You felt him exhale as you made contact with him and standing behind him, you placed your ear to his back. You felt his breathing and that made you feel connected with him in this position. He took yet another deep breath and held onto your hand that had made it's way up to and over his right shoulder with his left hand. You lifted your head from him as he moved to turn around and all you could think about was how he would look when his face would come into contact with your eyes. Would he look defeated? Tired? You expected these things but to your surprise, he was neither. He just held an expression of calm. A sense of peace rested within him. In these first couples of minutes, the two of you didn't say anything to each other. He just stared into your eyes and you found yourself growing nervous at this somehow. He still had that effect on you. "Hey," He said, bringing your gaze back to him. "Thank you. For being here for me the way you have been." You lightly smiled and placed your hand on the side of his face. Rubbing your thumb over his stubble and basking in his grip around your waist. You laid your head on his chest and took in his scent. You were glad to see that he had gotten through the night. And you knew you would have to prepare for many more of those kinds of nights. 

This chapter was requested :)

I have been unbelievably inactive and I am so sorry for that. I am working on some more chapters for this book as well as my other Henry book. Please stay tuned and active :)


Thanks for reading!

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