39: My Husband Is Superman

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You slid your sunglasses away from your eyes and onto your head being that the sun had significantly receded behind clouds and you had no use for them at the moment. You reached for your phone that was inside of the black string bag that hung from your shoulder and all the way down to your thigh, you had to call Clark to see what he would like from the store that you had just walked into...After a couple of rings, you realized that he wasn't going to pick up the phone and that maybe he was busy or something, so you continued on your way to getting groceries.

After a couple of moments of strolling around your phone had rung. Grabbing it from its new home in your back pocket, the caller ID read 'Hubs' so you answered. "Hey you." You said happily. "Hi sweetheart, you needed me?" There was a lot of commotion on Clark's end which made him talk a little louder. "Yeah, I just wanted to see if you needed anything from the store while I'm here." You replied. "Err, yea could you grab those wafer things with the chocolate inside?" You laughed at his request because of all the things he could get he wants chocolate wafer bars. "Is that all?" He chuckled. "Yes dear, love you a bunch. I've gotta go." Still, the noise in the back continued ever louder. "Ok love you too babe." You said quickly before hanging up. You then headed to grab the remaining groceries. But suddenly there was a bunch of commotion at the front. Everyone in your aisle and in the surrounding areas jolted their heads toward the front. And then you caught sight of what was happening. 

Three men were rummaging through the cash registers while the fourth one held a group of cashiers up against the wall. They wore masks and black jumpsuits that were too big for all of them. One of the hostages was a woman with two young children, no older than five. "Please don't hurt my daughter!" She cried out. Still, the gun that the man held was pointed directly at her. You stood glued to the floor taking everything in. But something inside of you said you had to do something. Grabbing a canned good from your basket you launched it directly at the head of one of the men before retreating down below a container of boxes of candy. Looking back up you saw that the man was on the floor as another robber tended to him. Quickly you crawled over to the woman and touched the arm of the child. She nodded as you pulled her young daughter with you and back to where you were previously. On your way, however, the ground shook. And bricks flew everywhere. You placed your arms around the girl and used your body as a shield from what may hit where you were kneeling. Once the shaking had stopped you slowly peeked your head to figure out what had happened. Looking over the short shelf, you saw your husband standing tall over the bad men, his cape trailing the ground behind him. "Seriously you should find something better to do in life." He said. One of the men had pointed a gun at Clark. You knew, of course, that would do nothing to him. 

A big smile formed on your face because you knew Clark would save the day yet again. "Woah!" The young girl beside you said loudly. You shushed her and pulled her back down to the floor with you. Clark would only need a few minutes to get this situation under wraps so you waited patiently as he did so. And after the fighting had ceased you stood up slowly seeing all of the men on the ground with their guns now being a pile of rubbish and the bullets spilled about no the floor. Everyone began to come out of hiding and their fear was now gone as they praised Clark for saving them. The mother had come and grabbed her daughter from your side thanking you as she did. "Thank you so much, best of wishes love." She said relieved that she and her child went unharmed. As Clark looked around the crowd his eyes caught sight of yours and they went wide. You laughed because you assumed he didn't expect to see you. As everyone began to retreat and leave the store Clark made his way over to you. "I guess we're gonna need a clean up on aisle five." You said. Clark hated corny jokes like that. "That makes me dislike you so much." He teased as you went in for a kiss. You grabbed hold of his cape and pulled it to his sides as he kissed you more firmly. "But seriously did you have to bust through the wall?" You both looked over at the demolished wall and sighed. "I guess walking through the door would've been easier." The two of you laughed as you kept the embrace you had on each other.


As most of you should know by now I'm working on a new book and I was wondering if you guys would like me to write it from the authors pov like I've been doing with this one or would you like it from the characters pov. 

For example:

  You smiled at Henry and he smiled back at you lovingly. "I love you y/n." He said.


I smiled at Henry and he smiled back at me lovingly. "I love you y/n." He said. 

Personally I like writing from the authors pov but I want to know what would make it more enjoyable for you as my readers :)


Thanks for reading!

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